Pubs opening

I doubt it

@Lazarus will you get the pizza oven in?

Claire will be setting in a “pub” setting no doubt

Something like that yes. The detail will need to be forensically scutinised. How they distinguish between restaurants and pubs that do food will be key. The 9euro rubbish last that was a ball of shite, the Govt will tell you that themselves. I wouldn’t be surprised if NPHET put in a recommendation this time banning pizza altogether


She’ll have Joe Duffy over for a socially distanced pint. Joe will say its great to be back in the pub again but it just doesn’t feel the same somehow. McDonkey might even join them but he’ll be sticking to the sparkling water, ‘not on a schoolnight’ and they’ll all have a right merry laugh at that


Where are we on the worry index

NPHET will need to break into the emergency stash of Covid deaths to get the message back on track.

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Mcdonkey definitely went to Sunday school I’d say

There is a puritanical slant to the restrictions.

It would however be informative to see what impact closing pubs has had on A and E numbers and what lessons can be learned from that post pandemic. If our A and E problems are largely a result of alcohol and socializing then it would make sense to delve a bit deeper into how to deal with that issue by way of special drunk tanks/alcohol units.

Paddy needs pints


Is that a German final solution joke?


Other then getting Poland spot on I’m not sure what it is to be honest.


So proper pubs won’t open at all?

Looking like the have decided the demarcation point for opening will be whether or not you have a kitchen. Could well be kite flying yet

Like that could mean many country pubs won’t open, leaving no outlet for drinking in a controlled environment, meaning there will be house parties and other gatherings.

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Watching the lovely Colette Fitzpatrick there on tv 3 and judging by the reports there, it’s looking very doubtful

Any shroodie man with van type will be setting up for ‘‘Quick kitchens’’. Your very own kitcen in 24 hours, right where the bog used to be