Pubs opening

I’ve heard a few of the big chains are getting it which is why they’re not overly vocal in the media

He’s a bigshot in the LVA

Willie just wants a few fucking pints over the Christmas

Divide and conqueor

Would ye ever allow Peter or Brenda from Ryan’s of Camden Street have a go in the media?


Willie is some man. Decades he’s been above there doing sweet fuck all :clap:


Cribbo is the man

I’d love to see Hughie from The Boars Head have a craic at it on RTE.

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Theres a lot of marketing going on with the online campaigns too. It’s all being noted

I get you.

I just think it’s the same old faces coming on like yer man from Grogans.

The likes of Peter, Hughie and even Johnnie from The Goat would be huge additions to the campaign.

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A lunatic Rural publican would get the country talking


Couldn’t agree more

TJ Mac is gone very quiet.

Would it be fair to say that a lot of rural publicans are doing ok with the financial support they are getting at the moment?

Hughie wouldn’t be able to get through it without mentioning his ‘friends’ Shane Lowry, Tomás O’Se or Bernard Brogan.


Your right he wouldn’t.

Des Cahill and Darren Frehill too.

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Most of the rural lads have the 350 a week and are serving a few of the regulars too.

They are milking it these past few months.

Joe Canning

Are they not getting more than the 350 now?

Anyone over 66 was not entitled to the PUP, a lot of auld stock publican utterly shafted

No, their landlords are