Pubs opening

Another open it up ta fuck merchant there


A husband and wife running a pub would both be on the 350 a week which is more than theyā€™d make normally in a lot of places.

Financially their doing fine but many would probably be happier broke, but have a few stories to tell.

Yeah thereā€™s a good few places not even clearing 700 a week after all the bills are paid.

Willie kindly posed for photos with awestruck lads from outside the county when we ran into him in the Locke Bar

Willie is sound

TJ Mac is being watched like a hawk by the guards. All the publicity coming back on him.

My local back serving his main 20 drinkers, Iā€™ll prob get a few nights over the Xmas.
I have a neighbour who has his own set up now which is rough and ready that has beer on tap.

My local golf club is also fairly lax on the whole thing. All in all I am in a better position than most.

After months of opposing the restrictions I am after giving up on a normal Xmas but will enjoy it as best as possible in these venues and a few HOuse parties thrown in for good measure. Thatā€™s what most people who are not harmless will do.

Youā€™d be hard pressed to do a night out in Limerick and not meet Willie

Heā€™s been renovating the premises throughout lockdown.

The mouse is peeking out the bolthole lads, the doors are opening across the country. Rural Ireland is leading the revolt.


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The mood has turned.

Let them drink pints

Heard of one town in Limerick recently where the guards were rang about a pub operating away behind closed doors.

The local guards rang the pub and told them to keep the noise down. Parked the squad car outside the door for 10 minutes and then drove off to leave them at it.


Thats all we need in this country to keep things moving, and for everyone to have a Happy Christmas.

Rural Ireland :pint:

Weā€™ll Irish solution this yet

What are looking at so lads?

Re-opening dates?
9 Euro meal?
Closing time?
105 minutes nonsense?

We gotta pray for low cases number today.
If we could get another day of sub 200 it might be a deciding factor.
Pubs to be allowed open then from Tuesday week (8th December).

Iā€™m hearing Friday the 4th for gastropubs and restaurants to give them three weekends before christmas

When will the bookies be open?

I dunno lads

Nphet signals strong opposition to parts of Government plan to exit lockdown

Position of public health experts considerably tougher than approach favoured by Government

54 minutes ago Updated: 7 minutes ago

Pat Leahy Political Editor

Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health. Photograph: Colin Keegan/Collins

Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health. Photograph: Colin Keegan/Collins

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The Governmentā€™s public health experts have signalled strong opposition to some elements of the plan to lift restrictions next week and reopen social and economic life, The Irish Times understands.

After a lengthy meeting of the National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) on Wednesday, the chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan briefed the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly last night. Mr Donnelly has been in contact with senior Government figures this morning.

A letter formally outlining the Nphet advice has not yet been received by Government, but it is understood that the position taken by the public health team is considerably tougher than the approach favoured by Government.

The Government has signalled that the Level Five restrictions will be eased next week, allowing retail to open. It is also expected that pubs serving food and restaurants will be allowed open later in the month, perhaps the following week, and that travel restrictions will be lifted for perhaps two weeks around Christmas, allowing people to travel to spend the period with their extended families.

However, two sources familiar with the issue now say that the Nphet advice is likely to signal opposition to some aspects of the planned reopening.

This will complicate matters for the Government as it prepares to announce the details of the reopening on Friday. A meeting of the Cabinet sub-committee on Covid is scheduled to take place later on Thursday, at which the senior members of the Government ā€“ along with senior Nphet members and HSE chiefs ā€“ are due to finalise the plans which will be put to the Cabinet tomorrow.

Pubs opening is a long shot at this stage. But I expect ā€œgastropubsā€ whatever the fuck that means to open, which will mean the Government will be tangled in a ridiculous situation again whereby they have to come up with a load of bollox rules to distinguish between the two and look like apes again

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Holohan Holohan Holohan