Pubs opening

Expect Hizbollah Holohan to take over the airwaves during the Toy Show to announce his full coup.

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Holohan needs to show the taoiseach who is boss here

AS @Bandage very astutely pointed out, the Government knew this was coming and got out ahead of NPHET, so now the narrative is NPHET disagreeing with the Government as opposed to the Government disagreeing with NPHET. Tony will be emboldened by what seem to be fairly heavy restrictions for Christmas announced by other countries and will push for as little relaxation as possible.

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However much they open up for Christmas, that’s it, it’s done. I don’t think there is an appetite or willingness there to do anymore, in terms of going back into restrictions

NPHET will look to keep it as tight as possible because they know they can’t ask people to do another 6-8 week lockdown in January-February, which is what will happen if they relax it too much.

A shitty situation

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If they don’t open the so called wet pubs before Xmas, it’s hard to see them opening in Jan/Feb. So your looking at late March cause they’ll hardly open them for paddies day.
Total fucking dose for the small rural publican


But they should say that.

Go mental for Christmas lads because we’ll be back in a heap in January

They’ll pussy foot back and forth on this

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Wear a mask and only take it off to take a sip

My gut feeling about this is that most of the public don’t really give a shit about pubs for Christmas because they’re so scared of not being allowed have Christmas dinner.

I expect the government to buckle and pubs and restaurants to be closed for Christmas with another hard lockdown in January/ February. I’ll make the ultimate TFK mistake and say that I might be wrong.

No ones scared of not being allowed have Christmas dinner FFS


Poor Tank is. His mammy won’t have him home if Herr Holohan commands it.


The numbers will reflect whatever narrative Dr. Tony wants them to at any given time.


Correct. Mammy Tank is terrified. A lot of people are scared of not being allowed have Christmas Dinner, not everyone is as cool as the TFKers. It would be great if they were.

They’re not opening lads, end of fucking story… Gastro or not…

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Your disobedience in going to Poland against her wishes could have dire consequences for your prospects of a Christmas dinner.

Maybe but she was asking me yesterday about what I wanted in the mincepies so that’s a good sign.

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Did your buddy in the civil service get fired for going to Poland?

No he just didn’t tell them. I wanted him to turn up at work with his Krakow facemask but he wasn’t up for it.

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It’s almost like @Tank ‘s auld wan is using the pandemic as cover to tell him to sling his hook this Christmas.


He never paid proper attention to the mammy/son relationship like you did.

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