Pubs opening

Lads are forgetting a pub probably makes 2 quid off a pint .

Completely losing the run of themselves thinking they are putting some pub owners kids through college.


What the fuck is wrong with you?
The pub refused to allow somebody with special needs to use their toilets, does it give you a thrill to act like a cunt here, your old bookie anecdote is irrelevant


Great pub.

It’s my favourite Tipp pub. You’ll always pick up a few tickets there on all Ireland day

I do more for special needs then the whole lot of ye together . You preach on here about your outrage talk is cheap

You seem against Toilet services for those in need, Bill.

You’d think I owned the pub the way they are going on ! I’d have paid for a drink for the child if I was in the pub at the time so he could use the facilities.

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Mate, you turned children away in Powers. We have you sussed.

It’s likely the pub flat out refused entry due to Covid-related reasons. Bullshit nonetheless, but there you have it.

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You’ve presented your inner Hitler to the world & theres no rolling back kid

I don’t care, if the parent pleaded that their special needs child needed to use facilities you LET them in.
No questions


I very much doubt the first part, very much.

I’m not outraged, I know you’re just acting the cunt on a message board, it’s obviously doing something for you, good luck with it.

The man who does the work of 100 men for people with special needs doesn’t feel they’re entitled to use a ‘public’ toilet in an emergency, that’s quite funny :grinning:


100% agree. It reminded me of the case of Emma Sloan from a few years back, albeit nowhere near as tragic. She had a severe allergic reaction in Jimmy Chung’s Chinese buffet, and her mother was refused an adrenaline injection in the pharmacy next door because she didn’t have a prescription. The kid died on the street.

Examples like these of dumb pricks slavishly following rules or guidelines, while someone is genuinely suffering, really fucking bother me. It’s as if they give people an excuse to cast common sense to one side.


Done them a favor didn’t i

Look bro, if you need to cast that line out to bloster your COVID opinions then work away…

Excuse me?

Lads are bigger eejits for entertaining this simpleton.

Harry is sound.

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