Pubs opening

Sorry. I think I phrased it wrong @Thomas_Brady.

Travel within county is best case scenario for May BH. I don’t see that necessarily relaxed by June BH, but perhaps soon after.

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In county travel and the youngsters back playing a bit of ball, that would do just fine.


It would be some slap in the face for our healthcare workers if they increased the 5km limit this year.


I saw a thing on Facebook that it’s €2k a week for a house in Ballyheigue in July. :joy: I think I’d rather stay in my house and have €2k


Ok pal…that’s been done already.

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We need to sort it so lads can have a pint while getting the vaccine. Get the barmen set up for the jabbing.

Lets jab em 24/7.

In the old days they’d give you a bottle of Guinness after you donated blood in Pelican House.


The Sunday one is a disaster for the middle aged occasional Sunday day drinker. 11pm was a perfect time to get sent home after a feed of pints to be right for work on Monday. 3 more pints will make a bollox of it.

They should really have called it Toucan House.


College Court put and end to this nonsense. Covid loves alcohol

Yep and there’s probably going to be 15 or 16 of us depending on a few things but it would be great if it was really busy as well.

12th April outdoors/17th May indoors for UK


Leo was on TV3 this morning, he was hopeful about pubs re-opening, when you going?

An absolute disaster giving people the freedom to choose how much and when they can have a drink alright. Why do you hate freedom and personal choice?

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:sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I think you might have taken me up wrong you dopey cunt


Reports of more pubs in Dublin offering takeaway pints. Champ will be seething.

Definitely pubs at it. Saw pints lashed out in pub car park Tuesday afternoon. Power to em

Sure it’s allowed

Champ said we can forget about takeaway pints. Mary’s on Wicklow Street back at it. Lads can have a few sups before the next protest on Grafton Street.

Ya but it’s legal.