Pubs opening

ā€˜The honey badgerā€™ from Meath

Back in the day a lot of pubs used sell Calf Nuts or Coal so auld lads could go off to get a bag of nuts at 11 in the morning and not return until dark.

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Good farmers canā€™t afford to give all day drinking.

I get that but its gone too far the other way now.

Thereā€™s farmers now calling vets to come to their yard and they havenā€™t time to talk to them when they come.

A farmer should always have time to talk to whatever Vet/Salesman/Cattle Agent that calls to their yard so long as its not during milking time.


Any farmer not having time to talk is either telling the truth or a ploy to get rid of a nuisance like yourself.


Thats an unmerciful Peig Sayers pile of wank.

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No wonder the publicans are not out protesting, cleaning up on Crss, etc.

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Its good to see ye are pushing for full pubs with no restrictions anyway.

If some had their way it would be this nonsense of 6 at at table for 2 hours forever.

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I know of a good few pubs with a bar and ā€˜loungeā€™ area.

Lounge area does food. Bar doesnā€™t unless in exceptional circumstances.

Essentially the bar is a ā€˜wet pubā€™.

But its open. And the actual wet pub across the street canā€™t open at all.


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Do you have an outdoor set up mate? That looks to me like where things are going with hospitality in the near future.

Plans are afoot, the councilā€™s all over the country are under orders to ā€˜do everything they canā€™ to facilitate outdoors. The word is the purse strings are ringfenced for one specific area of the city however. There are tantrums being thrown left right and centre, Iā€™m hearing of similar all over the country

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I was thinking the same myself, tis all well and good closing streets etc, but thereā€™s only going to be a handful of pubs along those streets. Could publicans push to be given a space in say Eyre Square (regardless of where their pub is) where they can setup a temporary outdoor bar for themselves. Like youā€™d see on dā€™continent

That certainly wonā€™t be happening. Not in Galway anyway, whatā€™s the point in reopening if you have to set up a stall somewhere else. Certain areas do look primed to do make hay while others are left closed altogether, thereā€™s nothing fair about it but thatā€™s been the way of it since this whole mess started.


The unfairness has to stop.

Not just the pubs but with the supermarkets selling non essential items. Itā€™s killing the small business and is completely unjust,

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No more 9euro meal


Iā€™ll be putting a sandwich in my pocket just in case.


Safety first

Are you using the lettuce you grew I your window box?