Pubs opening

Was at my first proper funeral last night. 4 cans of cider and a bit of whiskey.

50+ under the one roof.

The other side of the deceased family would be a bit odd. Two young lads came in wearing masks for the full hour they were there. Goes to prove there are still freaks out there.


Its a disgrace some shops are doing sneaky pints

Are they doing takeaway pints?

They are doing some takeaway stuff.

That video looks like BS tbf.

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What kind of a cunt is inside in the pub complaining others are inside in the pub


Prob the same prick from Dame Lane last summer


I bet Anthony Daly is amongst them swilling creamy pints.

Canā€™t be any doubts as to the reliability of the source, anyway. :laughing:

Is this another Chay Bowes/WiFi Paddy media offering?

Thatā€™s exactly what it is. An attempt at a dirtbag fake left version of Gript.

Ruh oh

If that pic was taken at 7:37, itā€™s strange the RTE was showing footage of the Liverpool United Game, which didnā€™t kick off until 8:15!

We have a live one lads.

Would they not generally have the live build up to matches before they start?

Even to just name the teams on it. The image can be added in after.

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Sure you could do that with any video you were playing. I 100% believe it happened though. And Iā€™m 100% in support. The fella must be recording it on the toasted sandwich maker. Its a pity the quality isnā€™t better because id say thereā€™s a fair chance Iā€™d know a few of them to see :grin:

It would have been a FaceTime /WhatsApp video call which would sort of explain the substandard video quality.

Why didnā€™t they just post up the video clip with the FaceTime of the RTE page in the first place?

The fact they posted a clip with no evidence of it being a FaceTime call and then a screenshot with the FaceTime time stamp and second screen is suspicious.

I think we can trust Chay Bowes and Paddy Cosgrave to be above board