Pubs opening

Crown bar in Wexford Town after announcing that you have to book and pay a deposit on a table for just a 2 hour limit from June 7th onwards, must buy a dinner as well. Will be more like that no doubt.

They wonā€™t be long backtracking when no one shows up


One of the only places in Wexford Town to have outdoor dining. Youā€™d be surprised.

This diktat will receive the response it deserves from the denizens of Wexford. Rejection.

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I fucking well hope so.

This is a prime example of an evening for the pub. Iā€™d love a few pints of Guiness.


Dining is not a pre requizite you can just drink pints if you want to. If youā€™re somewhere that doesnā€™t do food and your starved just grab a snacknox, they wont give a fuck

They are currently building on a bit of a beer garden at the back of the Top of the Town.

Thatā€™s a big enough development I noticed heading to your neighbour the other night.

I presume heā€™s bought it outright now? Hard to see how thatā€™ll pay.

I havenā€™t opened a book in months.


Booking pubs to drink outdoors is a fools errand in this country. It needs to be spontaneous if the day is half decent.


Most pubs Iā€™ve seen advertising are walk in only or keeping a certain % for walk in

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Ya he bought it towards the end of 2019. Thereā€™s no fear of him, some man to turn a few quid. Heā€™ll get a benefit from having a beer garden regardless of covid. Nothing like it in any other pub in the town.

Heā€™s flat out with the van again, pretty much booked out all weekend.

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That is a grand bit of kit the lad from TOTT has - . I think there will be no huge rush for the pubs on 7 June . They will do ok at the weekends with young people but older will largely steer clear

Heā€™ll surely be able to keep it going as a side gig for parties, bbqs etc

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God ya .

A day like today would be a complete washout. Literally.

Do you need a licence for it? Assuming itā€™s covered in pub licence maybe surely you canā€™t have both operating at same time

No, itā€™s permitted under the general pub license but you are required to inform the Food and safety authority and fire officer if its not something youā€™ve done before.