Pubs opening

Limited attendance at sports events from August 2nd?

FFS this is worse than I could have ever imagined

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You need to relax

It’s insanity what’s happening

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Tisnt. Tis life. Relax. It’s done. Be grand.

We’ll all be vaccinated by then and that’s the best we can do then? 5k in Croker?

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Why are you so worked up, be grand.

25% of Croker so just over 20k.

It’ll be more than that, lads just need to be patient and relax.

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I’m zen myself ive had a very calm and measured Covid, some lads are close to breaking point with the finish line now in sight.

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How will the tickets be determined?

500 allowed at smaller venues, with limit of 5,000 or 25pc capacity in larger stadia such as Croke Park

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You better pay the membership with the local club.

You absolutely hate to see it. No one wants to see a lad shot dead the day before the ceasefire

Is that the greater of those 2 numbers or the lesser?

You’re a very patient man

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They said on the news 5k or 25% capacity, whichever figure is Lower.

Imagine only 5k people in Croke Park, it would be cheaper for the gga to just keep it closed.

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