Pubs opening

This could be linked to a twitter spat

I’d say they’re jumping for joy when they see you’re gomey head appearing as well.

A 100 euro deposit would stop the bullshit

They are only guidelines so in theory they could be changed between now and the announcement on Friday.

What’s “The Plan” that this Treyvaud guys refers to. Some kind of mass disobedience once hotels are allowed indoor dining?

Yeah more or less. His movement is a cross between the brownshirts and Qanon, only with restauranters


If you look up the one star reviews for his place on TripAdvisor he doesn’t hold back in responding :grinning:

I thought he more or less rowed back on that. Instead the “plan” was to get everyone to bombard their local TDs with a pre composed letter. The only way to gain any sort of traction is to have an opening up en masse otherwise they will be treated like 2nd class citizens.

I was intrigued to read what it was, saw there was a ten minute video message and thought fuck that.

He just might be a bit, yanno, touched

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If there were more campaigning like him then they’d have to open up.

Paddy always waits for the big fat useless rural TD though.

Northern Ireland it will have to be.

Was the Galway County Board teaching you?

Has anyone offered any logic or reason for the 105 minute limit?

If you don’t clean a table every two hours the table succumbs to Covid.


That’s not too bad is it? The sounds they were making made it seem like mid-July

I broke this story months ago