Pubs opening

A sense of zen is back. It’ll last 3 weeks until the championship is back


Poor Gina can’t catch a break at all.

Galway’s Westend

etSrc2ponsorhed ¡


William St West is pedestrianised from Monday 7th June every evening from 6pm.

Here is a word from the street…

We are blown away by the support and love ye have given us.

In these strange days there has to be some rules. Mostly because we want to keep this evening street closure going forever.

1 and most important Please respect our neighbours. They are our pals too and we would never like to fall out with pals.

2 one lane is kept clear for Blue Light services.

3 Seated table service only. No takeaway pints or Off licence will be allowed to be consumed on the street.

4 and nearly as important as No. 1 Don’t tell the Dubs about us. Let them think the City stops at the top of Eyre Sq.

We cannot wait to see you and take the absolute finest of care of you.


Number 4 a hundred times. Leave the cunts in the Skeff.

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Not just the Dubs, lads like @Thomas_Brady have never been further west than the Skeff and he wonders why we laugh at him when he starts giving it big livks about Galway.


I’ve probably been back west more times over the last ten years than you’ve been all your life.

The papier mache heads are coming across fierce clannish and parochial here.


The dubs money allowed the G hotel have notions about itself.

Winning the city of culture has destroyed them

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They usually lose when it matters. Winning just doesnt suit them

they want to keep a part of the City away from the Dubs but when they yanks are around they’d sell their souls or the first born to get the few dollars, depending what’s closest or left


Everyone’s money is welcome once ye fuck off home when it’s all spent.

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Turn up the twee!

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A real buzz in Dublin this evening. The edginess has gone. And all are welcome.

Galway has mugged off the rest of Ireland here.

Using the turn of phrase “the absolute finest” shows one to be a huge muldoon.


It’s “finehst”.

Also end it with “ya cunt”

Nice crowd outside the Manhattan in Raheny as I was driving up the Howth Road there earlier.

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