Pubs opening

Just back from buying herself her first legal drinks on (outside) a licenced premises lovely hurling


Great to see so many people out enjoying themselves today. Various WhatsApp groups hopping all day with pictures of pints and grub.

Holohan will be absolutely seething, as an added bonus.


The LIDTF brigade absolutely seething at people enjoying themselves too, even better

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I didnā€™t know your wife was that young.


Six honest there. Was only getting going but the cold was starting to set in. I must bring the winter jacket in future for this outdoor shite. To cap it off they only charged for four. :pint:


Here you go, pal!

Claire Byrne and adventurer Pat Falvey will fill you in on how it works

As the Norwegians say, thereā€™s no such thing as bad weather only bad clothes


Iā€™ve been having an internal battle with myself today.

Ah itā€™s great to see those businesses back open. Theyā€™ve had such a tough time.

FFS look at that attention seeking cunt inviting the media in to film the pouring of the first pint in his pub.

Ah itā€™s lovely to see all those people enjoying themselves, out having pints and posting up the pictures on social media.

FFS look at the state of those harmless cunts, all giddy to be having pints of Budweiser outside Groganā€™s and posting about it on social media.

Iā€™m trying to be nice these days, but it doesnā€™t come naturally to me.


The savvy boozers are leaving it a week so all the social media blow hards can get it out of their system


Had you a few in today mate? Sister was up in Galway today said it was hopping

It was. A glorious sight.
I had a few in alright but I expect an awful lot more from next week

Where you at you fucker.? ā€¦ Iā€™ll pop in at some stage over the summer. Youā€™ll know itā€™s me when the lesser stags back away from me as I approach the bar.


I am the one with the Limerick colors on the roof cc @iron_mike

Great to see everyone in good form and pints in hand. Iā€™m banjaxed after a hape of take away pints yesterday. Post Christmas session 3. I have a lot of training to get in before my holidays

The pubs reopening has bought the forum together


Itā€™s inspiring to see the comradery among forum members after such a long period of warfare. Canā€™t wait for August 22nd, itā€™ll be like Christmas 1914 all over again.

You wonā€™t get as far as Gort you Limerick cunt.

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Fuck meā€¦ Nothing has changedā€¦ Thank fuck


And the cunt wearing flip flops outside the 51 in the picture posted yesterday.

This week will be like Stephens Day