Pubs opening

What a cunt in general.


The good old mental health card


For the hat alone


Doesnā€™t matter if he said it in jest or banter or what not, itā€™s out there now. What a plonker though.


Fuck sake

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His statement is cringe but that is some prick acting putting that up.

Fair play to him and the Government.

Whats the story with photo ID needed with the covid cert? Does it need to be passport/drivers licence like buying liquor (with your DOB on it) or can I use my public service card? Iā€™ve the old style battered paper drivers license and donā€™t fancy carrying it around Dublin on Saturday

Iā€™d say any photo Id will do.

Hopefully you wonā€™t be asked.

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Would many people still be carrying around the paper license? At this stage Iā€™d say youā€™d be better off pretending you lost it and getting a new one

Sure itā€™s hanging on visor no harm. Got it few weeks before card ones came out. Iā€™ll be the last helicopter out of saigong


And he in the video :smiley:


Tell em nothing Danny

At least he was an OIUTF type. Looks like great craic

Rats. They need to stop sharing this. Leave the people enjoy themselves. They know the risks. If they get the virus its their own fault. They are most likely vaccinated anyway

Anyone doing this stuff now is just a bad cunt, who would be a bad cunt in any circumstance given the chance. Think the indifference being shown towards this speaks for itself.


Always one lad with the top off.

His daughter took the video!

The cynical nature they are going about I donā€™t want the pubs open due to their own fear of the virus is shocking. Forcing your opinions onto others to conform to your ideas. Simple of you donā€™t feel safe to go to a pub then donā€™t. No one is forcing you but thats is your decision. Other people make a decision knowing the risks, thatā€™s their decision

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