Pubs opening

Kerry today are using it to push close the pub. The HRs should know better than bringing it on themselves too

I went for lunch yesterday with a work colleague, I’m happy to report I was not asked for any cert.

Pub informants are the best of us.

Shut the gorilla down for good.

Danny Healy Rae has all the ammunition here with Varadkar, Bathshit and Sleepy Ryan all showing contempt for the guidelines.

Is it fairly easy walk into any pub in Dublin city center now or do you have to book

Fairly easy - I had a couple in Grogans and Long Hall last weekend with no booking. Looked for cert though

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Flash the cert or scan it along with photo ID for proof?

Scan it - only long hall asked for id. Fill in name and phone number then.

so theoretically, someone who has a cert could send it on to your phone, and you could scan it and nobody would know any different, theoretically now

If they didn’t ask for id yes

the auld thumb over the name, I presume its a quick sconce at the picture from a waitress

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I know a lad who is who is using his fathers cert in his local pubs. He has the same name as the father.


A 32 yo friend of mine has my dad’s cert scanned . Born 1953.

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it’s hit and miss whether a place will even ask you to scan at all.

When your cert is scanned, what comes up, your name and age?

Another spot closer to home just asked my name and phone number and then scribbled down ‘Scanned’ after it without requesting any Cert/ID :joy:. And no I wouldn’t be well known to them

A publican did all he could not to laugh in my face below in Kerry when I asked did I need a cert to go inside, I’d already had a few outside and it started to piss rain, I went in and the place was rammed

It depends which app they use really.

If they use the Luxembourg app it’ll have all your info.

If they use the website thing it’ll just have your name similar to below

Is it true the scan will fail of you’re not past the 1 week threshold for mRNA etc?


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