Pubs opening

The likes would be very limerick heavy

I’m giving that a like.

Best one yet. Kp intermediate football was best price I’ve seen in a while. I took 5/2 on PP before I was informed of the 7/2 in boyles. Jaysus I’ve got a week put of that one

They are from next weekend on.

Tony definitely baulked at last night’s version of the guidelines.

Tony’s only back from the foreign holiday tbf. Takes us all a few days to get back up and running mentally

Where did Tony go on holiday? Did he see the outside world and tut at it. The degenerates

A lot of “shoulds” in those regulations rather than “musts”.

Has Tony driven past the queue for Coppers yet? He’ll be horrified shortly enough surely

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Good luck @peddlerscross

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As usual a total mickey fest.


An hour queuing when you could be around the corner in any number of pubs drinking.

The folly of youth.


They are taking company names and systems for certs. Barely even looking indoors.

Also never seen so many guards around Eyre Square my whole life

should include some or all of the following”


The Henry effect

Hard blame the Dubs tonight.

Anything to be said for a mass @Lazarus

Remind to tell an explicit story about me and dodge nightclub tomorrow


Twas Voodoo last time I was there