Pubs opening

@cheasty @mikehunt

You boys took one hell of a beating.


We’re Intermediate pal.

Getting a shirt out of the mothers to wear tomorrow. On the rack since pre covid. Worn once and cleaned afterwards. Tried it on to ensure it fit, it got a small bit bigger but will do the job. Only thing is the was a fair waft of red bull off it. Double vodka red bulls. The boom is back

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Signing in from Voodo in Cark

12 euro to get in FFS


In fairness Id say despite the bad press @Cheasty gets I’d imagine he’s very happy for you tonight

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Enjoy it bucko

Get laid !!!

We’re back


Good man but the picture tells the square root of fuck all!!

Revised photo better

Get on to the dance floor early.

The ratio of women to men doesnt look good there though. It actually appears to be horrendous. Is the wash still open?

Get amongst it son

When are the women going to be allowed in?


NPHET have banned women

Sausage fest!!


Whichever one of ye pricks that is there’s a solicitors letter on the way


“Queue safely - Keep Your Distance!!!” :rofl: :rofl:

That photo should make it into the history books for this whole sorry episode.

Anyone selling tickets?

You’ll have touts outside coppers selling tickets now.

I’m trying to see the logic in this, there doesn’t appear to be any. There seems to be absolutely no point in it if they’re taking details at the door anyway.

What’s our contact tracing system currently doing? If you’re vaccinated or have had a covid infection you don’t have to isolate, right? Anyone in a club will have to have a digital covid cert, so none of them will need to isolate in any event, right? Are contact tracers going to call everyone in a club of a night if one person subsequently tests positive? And if all of them have covid certs then what’s the point of contacting them?

Do authorities think about how ticketing will work? One person will normally buy tickets for an upcoming event for a group. What advantage is ticketing here?

The fact that the industry was told in a meeting that this wouldn’t be required but that it subsequently was suggests to me that the departments are not on the same page. I’d say culture and tourism didn’t think this was necessary but health or taoiseachsm’s have added them back in.

@Lazarus any info?


Based on that you’ll have the situation where tickets will be sold on the door but people will have to wait an hour before being allowed entry.

Yet another absolute folly for the government to drive themselves demented with.

They need to bring back 11 o’clock closing though. I’m n’able anymore