Pubs opening

An insane policy. Yet another one. Anyone know what level we are at on the famous 6 level 5 number scale Donnelly announced?


The same ones who set up the hotel quarantine system that people were legging it from have come up with this.

Ah it’s a total clusterfuck.

You have to sit at a table in a pub and not mix but you then buy a ticket to go off to a club and do so.

Any pub who actually enforces these guidelines should be boycotted.

There was great panic in the local Sunday night when two strangers came in. The place was heaving and the landlady was convinced they were HSE inspectors.


Did the HSE inspectors meet their fate?

There was zero enforcement beyond a cert in 3 of 4 venues I was in Sunday.
They didn’t even look for a cert in one of them

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Was asked for a cert and ID but cert wasn’t scanned. No contact details taken either.

A contact tracer will discuss this with you when they phone you.


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Why do tickets need to be sold in advance?

They are using Covid to to change the culture of what they percieve Nightlife to be like from their vantage point of watching a handful of videos on Twitter. The idea of the one hour I believe is to discourage anyone without one to show up to prevent queues seen outside the likes of Coppers/Fibbers etc.


Whatever poor cunt actually has no 0871234567 his phone is going to be sizzling.

Christ they got too close for comfort there

So buy a ticket and queue outside drinking cans and naggins for an hour instead?

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You don’t need tickets for late night bars?

Was in an alehouse on Sunday night that seems to be close to the hearts of a lot of lads on here Ryan’s of Camden Street (is there some some connection?). Spoke to an older man outside who seemed to be in charge and he let myself and 2 mates in ahead of the long queue which was very sound of him, after we had much flutin around trying a have a few in Hogans and The Long Hall.

It was like a Christmas week night in there pre-Covid. Great atmosphere - bodies everywhere and good craic. Felt like being on holiday and a lovely memory of times gone. We were running out of ideas/hope on where to go around 10pm and I thought of the forum and it’s many mentions of Ryan’s. So thanks to that man, and thanks to the forum.


That fella is a complete cunt

Its been impossible to get into Ryans recently with the students queuing up from 5 o’clock every week day. The return of the nightclubs should make it a bit quieter