Pubs opening

Thats the word straight from the horses mouth. Outside chance of 23rd/24th if things are very bad

Surely we will be over the peak in January.

Will I be able to go on stag to Killarney on the 28th you reckon?

Yes but theres a large voting cohort who demand a lockdown regardless.

Book it to fuck

Ideal for dry January*. Shut the offies as well and be done with it.

*Obviously they’ll need to consider re-opening from about the 15th or so onwards.

Who are these voting cohort other than dickheads in the media. After last January’s peaks they will be putting pressure on once again.

I know a lad who played a county final Saturday whos girlfriend has covid since last week. He obviously shouldnt have played i presume?

That’s going on everywhere.

Young people will isolate when it suits but not for county finals or big events.

He should have stayed out, he was useless.

There is no such thing as media now there is just content producers, all with their own agendas to push and all desperate for that magical click. Those more likely to go out and actually vote spend their days listening to Joe Duffy and Claire Byrne and believe everything they hear.
The fact your own generation has been fucked over more than anyone would not be a pressing concern for them

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In such a scenario you have to treat it as a flu. If your bed bound then don’t play. If your fit and well then obviously play.

County finals don’t come around every year.

My own generation don’t listen to it at this stage and will just put up with shebeens/house parties.

Only hope of resistance is from businesses if the PUP is not 350 a week. Still unlikely.

You can forget about the PUP, its over

That’s a problem for the government attempting to enforce anything. The rural publican tipping around with 350 won’t be as content with 250/200.

If they do lockdown again they will come up with something, the PUP itself became too much of a political hot potato. There was many a rural pubican was never entitled to it in the first place cc @Faldo . They almost have it wound down now so a rebrand is probably in order. They are desperate not to lockdown, its what Nphet say next week as opposed to this week that will count

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But the Covid does.

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What’s the story now with live music in pubs going forward?

Also I presume this 2 hours nonsense won’t be in effect?

Your Christy Moore gig is presumably 50% capacity now?

Christy won’t be half as smart now telling lads to get their money back.


I’m expecting it to be cancelled.

It was sold as full capacity. What do they do, tell half they can’t go?

It’s very sad.