Pubs opening


So drunk Iā€™m posting on thos fucking bollocks

@Cheasty donā€™t worry, ye will. Maybe this time it will actually work who knows

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Opening the pubs hasnā€™t worked. I know yis think the virus checks out at 5 but it doesnā€™t.

thatā€™s it yeah, fire a load of drunk lads out on to the street while people are in town doing their Christmas shopping.

5pm closing time. :rofl::rofl:


Bloody hell, this is some joke. Stuck at house parties again.

Destroy peoples livelyhoods, well done. not the answer though

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This is comical

Itā€™s embarrassing for these freaks

Government wonā€™t have the balls to tell em to fuck off!

Shameful carry on.

On the beer for weekend so

Itā€™s going to be a bit awkward going back to the shebeen after not talking to the people who own it in about 6 months


As said on the other thread this is perfect for them. They can pretend to stand up to them and bring in a 9pm closure.

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Thatā€™s a meaningless slogan, Laz.

Opening for Christmas last year ensured the pubs ended up being shut for a lot longer than they would have been otherwise, and ended up destroying a lot of peopleā€™s lives, quite literally.

I predict the Christmas rising. Heros of 2021 @BruidheanChaorthainn @The_Most_Infamous and @dodgy_keeper


You volunteering to pay peoples rent then I take it?

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Get onto the Government. They were paying yis a nice oulā€™ wedge for doing nothing.