Pubs opening

They wanted to work but ppl like you insisted they couldnā€™t?

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Some people dont actually mind working for a living


Thatā€™s more meaningless sloganeering, Laz. It doesnā€™t take account of the realities of a pandemic.

I know a publican who had a nightmare trying to get staff while the 350 was being paid out in the summer.

Why dont all pubs throughout Ireland make a stand and stay open? They surely canā€™t police every pub?

You wont let people wiork

Then you admonish them for not working.

Thats you mate

That post makes no sense.

The anti worker socialist himself


What pandemic? I meet a lot of people and i dont know anyone sick from it.

I hope things work out @Lazarus - itā€™s been a cunt of a couple years for lads with hospitality businesses.

Iā€™ll be down to support the two pubs in the village the weekend.


You have to hand it to Holohan.

Heā€™s something else.

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It is yerself whoā€™s anti-worker.

OIUTF is an elitist, bourgeois ideology which doesnā€™t give a fuck about the health of workers.

I hope Iā€™ll see you in Murphys on the 30th, 31st or the 1st :man_dancing:


People work in hospitality too

5pm. FFS.

They are randomly picking these recommendations out of thin air. They are very selective as to when ā€œthe scienceā€ applies or not.

Holohan could dominate COTY for years if heā€™s allowed.


Mate, Iā€™m up the other end of the country this year. I was down the other day, there was a bit of damage done in the storms needed fixing but it was an up and down job. Iā€™ll be down there on the first mid-term in 2022


The Kevin McManamon of the pandemic.

Make a point of it lads. support your local small businesses this weekend. Be a good few wont be there this time next year


Be more people is shops/shopping centre sure

Leo (the real leader) needs to tell them to take a running jump

@mickee321 and @Tassotti knew Holohan was biding his time to deliver the hammer blow. Some operator.

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