Pubs opening

How do you out someone on ignore, all i can see is a mute option

Don’t. Just skip their nonsense

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I cannot understand why you keep saying this.

People ending up in hospital is not a ‘good’ outcome. It’s not all about availability of hospital beds.

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RTE vox pop of 3 people, all more or less in favour of restrictions, two said it didn’t go far enough :joy:


It’s more omnipresent than the worst possible variant


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This is worse than nazi Germany

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When you’ve nothing to do but pound out 30 or 40 thousand words a day on obscure INTERNET fora, I suppose you can afford to be dispassionate about people who work in the hospitality sector

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In all seriousness, anyone who wasn’t out drinking 3 or 4 times a week for the past month, and who was ‘saving themselves up for The Christmas’ would need to have their heads examined.

Holohan was always going to get his timing spot on for maximum devastation.


We all partied

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I do have massive sympathy however for anyone who was still involved in Club Championship activity up until the last week or two and now when they expected to have a good Christmas, that’s been taken away.

If you end up in hospital with covid you probably are not facing a good outcome

I put you know who on ignore 2 weeks ago and it is like a new forum. Apart from the fools engaging with him and/or quote texting him.


According to Fluvio most of the people being admitted to hospital don’t need to be inthere at all. This is proven, he says, by the fact that many of are subsequently released from hospital within days.

For someone to say lockdown has not caused mental healty issues is laughable. I think most people’s mental health has suffered.

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How’d you do it?

How do you put someone on ignore?

Go into their profile and there’s a drop down menu with options.