Pubs opening

Lots of people wanted to work. Lots of people wanted the pandemic to never exist. It did exist, and it does exist.

We are in this situation because the world took to decision to “live with Covid”. That was a decision this forum supported.

There’s no point blaming me for it.

Listen to Chris Whitty. You are wrong. And you don’t know what you are talking about when it comes to the health service. Lockdowns have saved far more lives than any they took.

When you are faced with a gigantic catastrophe, and you have two choices, one unpalatable and one catastrophic, you take the unpalatable choice every day of the week.

You’re veering into Ewan MacKenna territory with your ranting. Ewan lied about lockdown causing an epidemic of suicide, remember. It was a lie.

And I’ll put this out there, just to confront you even more - but the truth is lockdown life has actually led to an improvement in mental health for a lot of people. The way youse lot talk, you’d think that pre-pandemic life was a happy clappy bed of roses for everybody. That itself was a gigantic lie. There a lot of people who despise the rat race. And they are not the elite, they are about as far away from the elite as possible. They had more time to themselves, they didn’t have to spend hours commuting or put up with cunts of fellow workers, or having to constantly put on a front for others.

And never on this forum was a moment spared to the mental health of those who lost loved ones because of the failed opening up policies or to health workers whose working conditions were drastically worsened - with no sign even now of an improvement - and who had to put up with experiencing mass death every day.

That’s a load of waffle which refuses to deal with what we are likely now facing. Have you been asleep since November 24th?

The point here is simple. The world’s scientific community is telling us there is a very real possibility, nay a probability, of another catastrophe. A minority of people, most of whom have been wrong over and over and over again, are telling us this is nothing to worry about. Maybe for once their lives they could be correct, I do not know. None of us know for sure. But even if those pollyannas turned out to be correct, not acting in the strongest possible terms now is appalling policy, because you are trusting in dumb luck.

We should NOT be taking chances with this. You can either stick your fingers in your ears, or you can act. I strongly advocate acting in the strongest possible terms, we should have done it at least a week ago.

In reality, we - and by that I mean our Government/NPHET, are not acting. At all. Shutting pubs at 5pm is not acting. It’s pretending to act.

You are free to have a different view all you like. And so is everybody else here. But so am I free to have a view, and back it up, and if that confronts yis, tough.

Be honest about the possible or likely consequences of your view. Those consequences threaten to be catastrophic. All the moaning and whinging here tonight pale into insignificance compared to those possible consequences if we do not act.

None of yis are being remotely honest about it. And that lack of honesty has infested this forum for the whole pandemic, never more so than tonight.

There isn’t a hierarchy of people dying.

But there is a hierarchy of people who know what they’re talking about when it comes to experiencing the consequences of idiotic populism. At the top of that hierarchy are people who lost loved ones as a direct result of those idiotic populist policies. The rest are nowhere.

So when I see people advocating for those same idiotic populist policies again - oblivious or wilfully ignorant as to the consequences of them - they’ll be rightly told where to go.

And those consequences do not stop at Covid deaths or chronic illness. They go way beyond that.

Idiotic populism somehow believes that more Covid equals better treatment for other conditions. That is, as Chris Whitty said, an inversion of reality.

More Covid, and letting Covid rip, means more excess deaths, including and especially missed cancers.

Hospitality is the scapegoat but the schools have been the spreaders. And the foreigners.

What about people going home for Christmas? have they mentioned yet?


This might be the moment I put Sid on ignore. If he was going to respond to that post (POTY) at all the correct beginning was “Junhiallo, I’m incredibly sorry to hear about the death of your father but…”

There’s a frightening lack of humanity about that response, the guy is a complete psychopath. I have no interest in engaging with him. Maybe I should put him on ignore and switch to LIDTF doomsday merchant myself for the craic.


Ah man, I hope today’s the day meehawl is going to grow a pair of balls and tell NPHET to get fucked.

I did it earlier this week - it’s very refreshing


Smash Bill Murray GIF by Groundhog Day

I’m waiting for Tony Holohan/Grinch that stole christmas meme now.

Don’t be holding your breath…

He’ll do sweet fuckall except bend over and do what Tony tells him to


It’s outrageous what is being done but unfortunately no surprise. It’s no longer really about Covid but a dysfunctional HSE that has seen an opportunity to pivot the narrative to health care demand that the public is at fault for and not capacity that HSE is responsible for.

There’s a puritanicalism underpinning Holohan’s advice which the media have chosen to ignore for whatever reason.

I’d suggest that putting Sid on ignore is a positive step you can take this morning. Let him scream into the void. He doesn’t deserve any audience.


Why are are you talking about suicide? I never mentioned it. Not one single mention. And yet it’s the guts of your post and how you try to tie me into ‘ranting’ and being like Ewan. Sure that’s grand. If you Don’t like something someone says, pretend they said something else.
I talked about domestic violence. And emergency care.

Have you rowed back on your’ 5 grand for a business’ bullshit? And your cheap cut at lads/Laz taking ‘easy money’ off the state?




Having a person die doesn’t make you know what you’re talking about. It’s that simple. Death doesn’t confer expert status on you for anything other than loss.

‘The rest are nowhere’
It’s weird that you would dismiss anyone else on the grounds that they didn’t have someone die.


We could be zero.

Some crazy cunt on the radio suggesting we’ve the New Years countdown at 4 pm


Sounds like a good idea


I do that with my kids already - now off to bed