Pubs opening

Serious editing

this is not an obscure forum

go home and go to bed at 9 o clock like a good lad

Spider-Man’s webs spread Covid.

Assume Willie also sent that to Martin.

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all these blowhards like O’Dea will do nothing, they will probably announce 7 or 8pm closing time and present it as a win and the nodding dogs will happily go along with this shite


It’s sets you free. :blush:

Has it been deduced if these recommendations were leaked by NPHET or by government to kite fly?

Putting cheasty on ignore is ridiculous. There are two sides to the story and hes the only one giving the other side on TFK. Even hes not defending arbitrary things like 5pm closing but arguing for a lockdown does have some merit even if I strongly disagree with him.


I think it’s the more the fact that he is unable to debate things and address counter points and his only avenue is to misrepresent other people and deal in misinformation.

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Nah, what happened last year was beyond the pale. Differing opinions and long inane arguments are the way of TFK, but that behaviour was not in keeping with this place.


I’d say Government this time. Letters went out to the party leaders last night.

There’s a terrible totalitarian streak to a lot of lads here.

If they could have their way they’d have any view they didn’t like censored.

It’s very childish.

This is only going one way…

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Sounds like he’s shaping up to bravely cave in again

This forum full of self appointed Archbishops like yerself supported the doxxing of me, and has always supported the most vicious, personalised abuse against me, including telling me to go and kill myself.

If yis believe what yis preach, yis should all ban yisser selves.

But yis don’t believe a word of it. :grinning:

Can fellas not just ignore lads by ignoring them? TFK is optional like


Wow. That’s what you’ve got. Good luck.