Pubs opening

Your eyes boy. A handsome man you are. Enjoy the night

P.S any chance youā€™d delete my account


Please delete his account @Bandage


Credit to @Bandage for shoehorning in a selfie of himself with a face looking like a tour ā€‹cyclist such is his appearnace post 10k runs this year, a big fuck you to all the handball alley fat headed jibes :clap:

He looks a million dollars

Itā€™s Hotel California here, Iā€™m afraid.


I thought it was an Olympian at first, Rob Heffernan or someone.

Donā€™t do @Bandage! This site is the Hotel California of the internet and it will stay that way.

OK then a lifetime ban would suffice, thanks

nice to see @LionelRitchie donation going on fancy merch :smiley:

As long those.poor suffering children arenā€™t subjected to the colours of Wexford, I can live with the mask

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@Bandage can see beyond several borders with those lamps

This is why Iā€™m in the top five most valuable moderators on TFK. Iā€™ve just de-escalated a thread that was threatening to boil over in ONE SINGLE post.

I really should intervene more often, especially when lads are being labelled as murderers, rapists, paedos and the like. But tbh I donā€™t like the rough stuff and need to stay in my safe virtual place.

Lock the bastard in and make him watch.

Iā€™ve reversed my decision now that @carryharry has stated his desire for me to leave.

I think Iā€™ll divert some of my e-focus to him for a while. Request retracted @Bandage

Tell your mate @Tank thereā€™s some there for him too


Letā€™s ALL go to the 51 tonight and have a fight

Iā€™ll be outside looking in.

Imagine giving @Bandage a black eye. Youā€™d change his ethnicity

Another backtrack on the internet.

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ill bate you like a ginger stepchild