Pubs opening

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I presume we have another 'my fellow Micks" type address at 6?

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As predicted.


You can read these muppets like a book at this stage


You’d reckon so

Needs to had in a few lines of poetry and sign off as gaeilge - job done

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Another big condescending pat on the back for Joe public


“How ye gettin on lads ?”

Two rounds of restrictions brought in while cases are stable and hospitalizations falling. Its some cod.

NPHET locking down the public to mask their own failings in their day jobs.


Can we get someone with time on their hands and the know how to compare mortality rates of covid and HSE medical negligence

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Do you not think the rapid growth of Omicron is a cause for concern at all?

The Saffers are carrying on.

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Any differences that you can see I’m the two countries or how they’ve proceeded at various points in the pandemic over the last two years?

I presume they didnt shit themselves at every turn?

Yep, the saffers have a 3rd world health service, poor health in low income areas and low vaccine takeuo but the figures for hospitalisations and deaths from omicron are comparatively low.

So how do you think we’d do with our general good health, high vaccine takeuo and 2,nd world health service?

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Is there an announcement now?

“The Taoiseach will tell us what Christmas will look like”…….

Grrrrrr…… We know what’ll be like you spineless, bumbling bastard.

Im fit to be tied here listening to this shite again.


No. The angelus

Very apt the bells tolling for our hospitality sector.

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Is that still going?