Pubs opening


Thanks for the assist earlier kid. Using that Vax pass all over town. The revolution will not be televised


Some Joie De Vivre (cc @mickee321) feeling there on the last Luas home.

A lot of emotional people all knowing deep down they died with their boots on there tonight.


Tony Holohan has proven he is the only man in power to make hard decisions

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Weā€™re in the midst of an unprecedented global pandemic yet all Paddy is concerned about is keeping pubs open around the clock to drink porter.


Paddy and Patricia all over twitter outraged that the hospitality sector is taking another hit when in reality they are only outraged because it impacts their own social lives, spare me the faux sympathy Paddy and Patricia

Pubs, pubs, pubsā€¦

Another pivot shift from the rubberbandit tribute act. He could have tried to have at least freshen up his sthick by now.

The ā€˜messagingā€™ on it all is very very poor. Heā€™s up and down the steps every Friday talking about pubs but theres no clear announcements on boosters. Iā€™m eligible to get one Sunday but ive no clue how to go about it and Iā€™m reasonably well informed. He should make one of those big announcements and focus totally on the positive. What we can rather than canā€™t do. Very clear instructions on where and how to get boosters.
Yet all the talk is about pubs. How many people even go to pubs? I might have gone twice at most over the next few weeks. And thereā€™s not even evidence they drive spread Young people donā€™t really go to pubs any more even. Pre covid let alone now. Whatā€™s more important the details of exactly how and when people can get boosters or 3 or 4 extra hours here and there pubs are open?
But then again itā€™s all political. Pubs helps them blame others boosters are their responsibility. And people still fall for it.


No sign of boosters bonus anyway

There was no science used when they came up with the different rules for the ā€œwet pubsā€ and gastro pubs, the two hour thing, the 10 pm closing and now the 8 pm closing.

The antigen testing thing was a nonsense.

Two years on the trot they opened up hospitality to co incide with schools going back.

It almost looks like they are trying to drive up case numbers to me.

Tony and his mates havenā€™t a notion of what they are at. Complete guessers destroying peopleā€™s lives on a massive power trip.

If they said to government to close hospitality due to the spread you could stomach it but instead they just come up with nonsense that isnā€™t based on science.

Itā€™s utterly bizarre truth be told.


Micheal needs to be putting that front and centre along with a Samuel Beckett quote and forget about fucking pubs

Like the most amusing thing is if a heap of scientists presented info in front of Martin id suspect heā€™d come up with some bizarre half baked plan but nphet are doing the dirty work for him.

I wonder Is Tony just an evil bastard or has he gone completely mental ?

Heā€™s following the maxim of ā€˜never waste a crisisā€™ to get his preferences and thoughts on alcohol consumption executed


Tony is sick of all the drunks filling A&Eā€¦ Paddy is too reliant on the hooch to feel good ā€¦

Thereā€™s a glimmer of light for the Paddy you cite - the chipper will be open when he eventually exits the pub. **

** Not applicable to Paddy in a vast swathe of Roooral Ireland though.

I felt sorry for that restaurant owner in Waterford on the 6 oā€™clock news yesterday.
The poor man was clearly devastated and could barely talk.
Shit times,lads.

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Very good point. Itā€™s nothing but scaremongering in those announcements. Rte news had Alan Hughes on after. He was appearing in a panto and spoke really well about the negative nature of the announcements. There needs to be some positive language and hope.

Martin was on with Brendan O Connor this morning. Caught two minutes of it with him spieling us he wants to get his whole family watching Dr Zhivago on Christmas day. He really is a patethic leader.


:grinning:Cambodian labour costs were non existent.


What time do THE PUBS close tomorrow night?