Pubs opening

Van Holohan at it againā€¦

And big screens in Charleville

The number of tickets on sale hasnā€™t changed. Leopardstown and Limerick had only put 50% on sale. Capacity of 6000 in Leopardstown. 2 days sold out already as of last weekend

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Sure itā€™s down to 5k now?

Ah youā€™re right sorry. I was still thinking of the 50%, not the new max

I can imagine it going ahead behind closed tbh. Itā€™s a total mess and very unfair.

Nope it wonā€™t be behind closed doors. The plans they had in place was already without most of the bars and indoor food areas so itā€™s not a big deal for them to reduce 2 days by 1000. The other 2 days hadnā€™t sold out yet.

These super spreader events are what will lock us down again. They fucked us in March 2020 and theyā€™ll do it again to start 2022.

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Tbf to @Cheasty he is the other extreme to some views I lean towards but its not a bad thing to hear another side no matter how much you disagree.


Itā€™s bizarre

I put him on ignore because of the pretend Dublin accent thing.

The only people you could put on ignore here are apples, the pretend Italian and TSG. The forum is a much nicer experience after that.

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Lashing into the g&t, fair play to her. Thereā€™s a Xmas still there to be enjoyed, fuck all the noise

Sheā€™s been drinking them for 50 years mate, and wonā€™t be changing now

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Happy to report Camden Street is absolutely rocking tonight.



The barman in the establishment Iā€™m in is absolutely seething at the latest restrictions.

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Surely they will go ahead with some crowds. Its an utter farce again. In no mans land now until we are contacted.