Pubs opening

Where Tipperary leads, Ireland follows.

H’on Tipp!

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Pubs are finished in this country.

Good riddance.

The pubs certainly knew how to rip people off during the Celtic Tiger era, I’ll never forget it. Fuck em

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No loss

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Haven’t been to a pub in ages. Give me a night at home with my 2 year old, the NFL and a few craft pale ales any day of the week.


You can’t get the booster for 6 months after you’ve had covid so there must be 100s of thousands in that boat too.

Sounds like the exact sort of riff raff I’d want kept out of my pub to be fair


That headline comes right down to the nub of the Archbishops plan

8pm rule allows people to socialise ‘without overdoing it’, Taoiseach says 8pm rule allows people to socialise 'without overdoing it', Taoiseach says


You’d want to be deeply unhappy with your life if you don’t go the pubs but still want them closed or shut. You want peoples social interactions impacted and a load of people made unemployed ? What bizarre sentiment.

If you don’t want to go to a pub just don’t go.

It’s a needs must situation over the Past year and a half but drinking at home for me is a miserable experience. Even with three or four friends over it gets very boring.

I’d say it’s a slippery slope for some people too. I notice a lot of the bigger drinkers in my area actually wouldn’t touch a drop at home and I understand that.

For me Half the craic with pubs is bumping into people you don’t expect or haven’t met for ages. At Christmas even in the locals it’s good craic as there’s always a few home or people you haven’t met in ages.

Anyway taking glee in the something being closed or hoping it doesn’t open again is really odd behaviour for grown men.


The aim, apparently, is to reduce social mixing by 30%.

The virus just loves it when people overdo it.


The Archbishop probably now thinking he should have recommended a 3pm closure
Martin et al would have happily rolled over and put in a 5pm curfew

Now that T has decimated the hospitality industry, wonder what’s next?
Will he go after gambling/skate boarding/ fried food

Basically saying he doesn’t trust people to not ‘overdo’ it. If people want to ‘overdo’ it they will, treating the public like irresponsible teenagers

You would think that the public have been very trustworthy in the last 20 months.

@Lazarus these “supports” the government talk about for hospitality, do any of these find their way to the actual workers or are they stuck with a basic pup payment? I’d assume the vast majority of the supports stay with the employer? I understand the aim is to ensure the businesses stay viable, can reopen and employee resumes employment, but they are down a serious whack? Between basic wage, christmas tips etc? Saying supports are in place isn’t much consolation to your average hospitality staff member?

This isn’t a dig at the business owners as they are obviously losing out big time too.

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They mentioned 1bn a week or in layman’s language 2 children’s hospitals a fortnight was the cost.

It’s absolutely bonkers - the cut backs when they come will make Covid look like child’s play.

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Drinking in work is the only way to get ahead of the pubs closing early.

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Open the pubs

Why did they not want to protect the health service when you had 7/800 on hospital trolleys every winter during flu season?

The narrative doesn’t make sense to an intelligent person.

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Your use of the word narrative doesn’t make sense to an intelligent person.

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