Pubs opening

They actually allowed for businesses that didnā€™t have benchmark sales to work off for supports to use projections i.e. If you were 40% off your projections it was same as being 40% off the previous period salesā€¦ No idea how they policed it in practise


Colm needs to read his constitution.

Original though from Colm not that I heard 40 others aying the same thing

Colm has put far too much effort into his profile pic.


No offence to this lad with the arcade pub but I was extremely sceptical it would be a winner before covid came along but with covid here he is goosed IMO.

Agree, covid or no covid that place was destined to fail. Itā€™s out of the way too. Whoā€™d be going in there for a pint & play mortal kombat? Students. Them cunts donā€™t have 2 pennies to rub together

We took the kids over one Sunday afternoon, got a bit of grub, a couple of pints each and had a lash off a few games, it was actually a brilliant family afternoon, completely different from any other pub experience. But I guess thatā€™s an alien concept to many if it was marketed like that,
It needs the students, in that location particularly.
Iā€™d love for them to do well but I have a bad feeling


I canā€™t understand someone going out for six pints and playing pacman while doing it. Probably a very small pool of people up for that on a regular basis but I confess to not having done the research.

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As regards activities outside of the counter & jacks thereā€™s absolutely no need for anything other than a pool table or Darts Board ( space provided ).

Bizarre hipster behaviour


The only games in a pub should involve a deck of cards with a few hams giving out as prizes at Christmas


Thereā€™s wan of these in Smithfield - Token. But thereā€™s plenty of apes around to keep the games ticking over

The same apes youā€™d see in a country pub throwing euro coins into the jackpot machine. Roasters and wokes are the same.

A serious difference in footfall in Smithfield and a house estate in Limerick

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Is this where Scottā€™s used to be? Near Mary I?

I had my dinner in there once upon a time. Proper roaster carvery.

It is indeed. I recall that carvery. Boats of gravy and piles of spuds

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Ya thats where it is. Those suburban new pubs in Limerick were all terrible


To be fair I donā€™t think their business plan was hoping porter drinkers would tip away at Space Invaders in between pints. Location always struck me as a problem though.


Pubs should get the go ahead to open without restrictions around mid Feb I reckon.

Just in time for Rag week