Pubs opening

Christ id murder a Sweet Afton now, never knew they were no longer available

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Even the name draws you in. I smoked a few when I was 11


They were my “go-to” cancer stick for 40 years. Stayed rock firm in your fingers unlike the more commercially popular Players which couldn’t hold a light to them in the rolling and packing department.
They ceased making them about 2010 when I was forced to make alternative choices. The “hooky” ones then filled the void until 2018…….


I can’t confirm events in larger towns or cities but locally the 1960’s heralded the popularity rise of the draught pint .
Or whenever I developed a taste for porter …. Also 1960’s.

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Did same around same age. My Nana smoked sweet afton so myself and the cousin would occasionally nick one. Be walking into walls with the dizziness off them, few pulls and be cross eyed


What’s closing time for the off licences at the moment?

  1. I was in a bad way buying cans at 8pm after a full day at the pub on New Years Day

Big problem with buying fags as a young fella was that you’d have to buy your parents brand to avoid suspicion, my ma was a Johnny Blue smoker which was grand, my da was a Rothman’s man :nauseated_face:

My auld lad smoked Carrolls which were terrible. Went onto the Hamlets then

So did my auld fella. Bizzare carry on.

Carrols were my fag of choice in my smoking days,

As a young fella I can’t remember anyone smoking anything but Major. As a middle aged man, everyone I knew who smoked them is now dead but what were the qualities of the green packets do you know?

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I made the critical mistake of inhaling a Hamlet one night while drunk. Nearly fainted after it


Major were very strong, they were short but thicker than other cigarettes , they were very popular, my best mates da smoked major so I’ve had plenty


It seemed to me they were the only choice in my area when growing up. My young fella is 7 now and asked me the other day what the horrible smell was when we passed a lad on the street having a puff. It made me laugh because I remember my auld fella driving the country with me when all windows in the car would be closed and the Major blazing.


Nicely put. Higher nicotine content than the others. Bang for buck in other words.

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1 drag off a major was like 2 or 3 off another fag, extra thick so you’re burning more tobacco with each pull

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Johnny blues are a real townie fag. The parents had them too alright

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Major were like smoking tar

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When I was a young lad starting out in the drinking game there used be a promotion called time 4 Murphys. You’d get a loyalty card with the Murphys and after buying 4 the 5th would be free. You could buy the 4 for just under the five pounds so you’d have 5 pints which was about 2 too many at 16 or 17. We’d then buy a box of hamlets and smoke one each on the bus on the way to the nightclub… Whitey City… We may as well have mainkined heroin into ourselves. Proper fucked up for about 5 pound 50. God be with the days