Pubs opening

Sounds like he was caught a few times to be fair. But €10k of earnings a year is some chunk for a small pub to be giving away.
And hard to do a trade without it I’d imagine

I could tell a few tales around this but would be afraid of the Sky man lurking in the shadows.

You’d hate to get a Bang on the door.

I know a lad who moves the sky pint sticker around the TV


Around 200 euro a week but I’d say it would go a long way to paying for itself particularly now if you advertise you are showing games.

where are you getting 200 a week? i know one of the locals down here was paying 700 a week just for sky and he had racing and BT as well. All told he was well over a grand a week for the tellys

Well your man was meant to pay 10k a year for sky.

He was almost 18k just for 22/23 season, 20k was damages

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The amount you pay depends on the turnover of the pub. If you don’t provide the info you pay the full price.

Above is from a 2018 article.

Is that per week?


An older article again

The publican would need subscriptions to Sky, BT/TNT, Amazon just to show the EPL. And then GAA Go on top of that. Your dodgy box will have all those plus all the foreign channels. Publican can’t win

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And you still wouldn’t have all the EPL with those subscriptions.

My local publican is paranoid about inspectors since another premises in a neighbouring parish got done earlier in the year. He normally wouldn’t turn it on unless he had us locked in and knew everyone inside.

However, as a good GAA man, he was so miffed with the GAAGO imbroglio this summer that he decided he’d make an an exception for championship games on the platform and fired them on amid a load of muttering about “them fuckers taking the games away from elderly people”

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Imbroglio is a fantastic word

Was once memorably rhymed in The Phoenix magazine end of year sports review poem of 1992.

The Olympics in Spain were a hopeless imbroglio
Of cheating and money and drugs and Fred Coglio


Average price of a pint of lager now over €6 across the country

I heard word of a lad who was showing the sports on a dodgy box.

All was going well until one day he recieved a phonecall from a Sky rep who made him aware that Sky were aware of his dodgy box at the same time as making a very nice offer to get Sky legit whilst also reminding him in the nicest possible way that Sky had recourse to court proceedings so take the discount.

A day or so after that a massive cease and desist order from Sky was recieved. It was literally 100 pages of legal mumbo jumbo and case files ranging that included 80k fines and even threats of jail. There was one page at the back he had to sign and send off promising to throw away the dodgy box and be a good boy forever more. so thats exactly what he did.

The Sky rep rang again a few days later offering the same terms to go legit and a reminder that Sky could still take legal proceedings. He decided to take the offer.

A year went by and suddenly the price almost doubled. He emailed to cancel and a couple of days later a guy with a nice scottish accent called and offered yet another sweet deal but be quick as it’s only available for ‘a couple of days’. He called back and said no whereby a more flexible package was offered again but to be quick as its only there for a ‘couple of days’.

That was only yesterday and word is he’s still mulling it over in his head. He’s not one to rush things, I really hope he doesn’t miss Sky’s deadline


Jim white will be outside his* gaff with two mobile phones


What ever happened with that crowd that were selling sky sports from Greece or somewhere under the EU free market rules they reckoned it was legal