Pubs opening

I can’t get my head around some lads preferring to stay at home drinking on their own with their 20 cans for a tenner from Lidl, some craic that is

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It’s a Monday though which should thin the numbers down a lot. They’ll have the week to iron things out before the weekend.

It’s not 90 minutes total, it’s 90 minutes in each pub :pint:

But what’s the point if you have to book a slot in each pub?

The above is a surprise raid on a bank premises on the main Street in northenden. Took the cops 15 mins to break down the door :grin:
There was a full weed farm inside.
You’d have to hand it to them.
Not sure it’s the best use of police time.


That’ll be gone out the window after a few weeks mate. It all will really.

My home town would have a healthy Monday club and I know of people taking the week off!

90 minutes is to stop people getting jarred and breaking social distancing, is it not?

Much like closing premises at 2 though it won’t work. People will down more drinks and move on elsewhere.

Grub Crawl

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You’d want the first pint sitting on the table for you settling. As soon as you sat down you’d be ordering the next one. And then everytime you started a new pint you’d be giving the barman the nod

Idiots, bums, clowns, losers, fools and pissheads, they’re the only type who go to pubs. Stay out of them chaps and be smart.

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If you have been forced out of that particular habit, I’m not sure why the haste or urgency in slipping back into that again. Surely they have seen new pastures since lockdown and re-examined things.

Top shelf shitstirring there, lets see who takes your bait.

There may be an element of that but you are talking about people with 30 odd years of routine behind them.

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It’s just a fact mate. :neutral_face:

the hide under the bed crew are seething

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Is it not to do with the closer you are to someone for longer the more chance of passing it on? Either way it’s bullshit at this stage. I wouldnt normally be a ‘don’t trust the experts’ man but this whole thing is really causing me to re evaluate that.

It was 15mins at one stage and at under 2m was the danger zone, now it’s 1m but don’t spend 91mins that distance from each other.