Quarter Final D

Quarter Final D

Harney the heifer has my vote.

Weakest heat so far I think. Brunker gets my vote

Gerald Keane/Kean should win this easily

John Leahy is by far and away the biggest cunt in the competition let alone this quarter final

IS Mike Holohan, Mike Houlihan?

Probably. But whoever nominated him will have to verify? Until then, heā€™ll remain as ā€˜Holohanā€™. Got that? Got that Runt? Here Runt, have you fooking got that you cunt?

Doesnā€™t make a difference, cause no one will be voting for Mike Houlihan anyways. But if they do heā€™ll come around to their houses and fuck them up. Houla, Houla, Houlaā€¦

Mike is a cunt alrightā€¦Pure filth on a hurling fieldā€¦Makes Clem Smith look like an alterboy

Houla, Houla, Houlaā€¦

Remind me again Runt how many All Ireland medals ā€œHoulaā€ has?

So not having an All Ireland medal makes him a cunt?

Its all about medals with you puke !! You cunt ā€¦

No but if he cut out the filth and bollock acting and actualy did a bit of hurling when limerick needed men to step up in in 94 and 96 he might have oneā€¦Pure cuntā€¦Deserved a prison sentance for his attack on Ollie Baker in 96ā€¦

This coupled with his ignorant and abrupt demeanor off the field make him a cunt in my bookā€¦

Although I donā€™t think I nominated himā€¦

According to my calculations, you were 8 in 1994 Puke. Do you really remember what Houla did in that game? Or are you repeating some pub stories told by biased Clare muldoons against the great man. Youā€™d swear you think he should be jailed retrospectively for something that happened 12 or 14 years ago! You stupid East Clare cunt!

Mike Houlihan is a legend. Ollie Baker is a cunt.

Neil Francis surely deserves some mention here. Absolute cunt. Arrogant, self-satisfied, private school rugger tosspot. The Gerry Ryan of sports journalism.

Actually, Puke would have been 7 in the summer of 1994. Let it go Puke - you bitter East Clare filthbag!

Have seen the 1994 all ireland many times bandageā€¦the incident with baker happened in 1996 and it was pure filth as bad as brilaneā€™s a few weeks ago and cost clare the match and the All Ireland that yearā€¦

When it comes to hurling I canā€™t Bandageā€¦it is the bitterness, grudges and hatred that drives you on and makes the wins all the sweeter and the defeats all the harder to takeā€¦