Quarter Final D

Surprised Mary Harney didn’t get more votes…

Sure Mike Houlihan never hurt a fly!
Leahy just glassed some Limerick Cunt, very parochial voting going on in this heat.

[quote=“Mullach Ide”]
Leahy just glassed some Limerick Cunt, [/quote]

Tip of the iceberg…Had a sly way about him on the hurling field, used to throw the odd sneaky belt and was known for making absolutely abhorrent remarks to oppositions…Used to do the same auld playing to the gallery craic that Waterford’s Eoin Kelly carrys on with as well…Tried his best to start a row at the end of the 1997 All Ireland final before Ollie Baker put him back in his box…

I wouldn’t be defending him at all, the man was a genius as a hurler but was a cunt in so many other ways. Alcohol had alot to do with it.
He got away with alot in his underage days,mouthing and acting the cunt, no-one took him to one side and told him to cut it out. For every dig he gave he got ten i’d say and on his day he was untouchable.
He walked down the Main Street of our town one night holding up the divisional cup after we had been beaten, his club weren’t even involved. Went into a pub and stated mouthing, forgot that he had said a few things to one or two of our lot in the Semi-Final. He got a nice trimming, it was actually scary as there was a bit of a mob waiting to have a go at him, a couple of us bundled him out a side door and told him to get out of dodge!
So all in all a cunt of the highest order.
Does counselling now!

You were about 12 in 97
All you know about John Leahy is what you’ve read, heard or what you’ve seen on video.

He was class in his day, he could bring a stadium to his feet. Ollie Baker could barely keep himself on his own two feet. Anyone here remember the 89’ semi v Galway?

Linnane even had to use his hurl against Leahy’s face just to get to him.

Cop yerself on Puke. Credit where credit is due.

Story Maire but would you please show me one post on this or any other forum where I have ever said John Leahy was a shite hurler or even called into question his ability…He was a very talented hurler alright but is an absolute cunt…Although I must say good and all as he was, he was no Declan Ryan, who was a class act all the way…

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]You were about 12 in 97
All you know about John Leahy is what you’ve read, heard or what you’ve seen on video.

He was class in his day, he could bring a stadium to his feet. Ollie Baker could barely keep himself on his own two feet. Anyone here remember the 89’ semi v Galway?

Linnane even had to use his hurl against Leahy’s face just to get to him.

Cop yerself on Puke. Credit where credit is due.[/quote]

Yeah he really was a class act that day
Lovely sporting moment alright with Hopper when he was leaving the field of play having been sent off


[quote=“W.B. Yeats”]Yeah he really was a class act that day
Lovely sporting moment alright with Hopper when he was leaving the field of play having been sent off


Sporting moments between those two teams were few and far between, and it was a two way street.

less of the hyperbolts

Nobody is eulogising the Galway lads though…


[quote=“W.B. Yeats”]Yeah he really was a class act that day
Lovely sporting moment alright with Hopper when he was leaving the field of play having been sent off


Before we get too carried away;

Leahy was scoreless that day. Brutal game, savage weather tho.

Funny year 89; it had everything really and, open to correction by the way; it was the year we first saw Anthony Tohill and Colm Corkery on the Intercounty Scene.