Question for the techies

I think there might be another TFKer still there or recently there but Christ above you’d want to be swiftly looking for the exit from IBM if you aren’t on a solid redundancy payout. This week in Canada seems to have been one of the biggest culls they’ve ever done in one go. UKI will be next up from all accounts.

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Anyone have a tapo video doorbell and the hub? The hib wont stop ringing omce pressed. No idea how to stop on the app. Im plugging it out to stop.

I have it programmed to stop after 3 seconds but no luck

Is it possible to save a complete website to your PC? I don’t mean page by page. I mean the whole website in one go.

There’s a site I frequent and I’m afraid the owner will close it down soon.

Google once again gives me nothing.

A lot will depend on the CMS used by the website. It should be possible if it’s an older, primarily html based site.

Those questions are above my pay grade.

Send me PM there like a good lad.

No harm in trying this tool and see how you go. I haven’t had to use it myself but you’ve reminded me there’s a site I’d like to get a copy of for similar reasons to yourself, so I’ll give it a go myself tonight.

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@TreatyStones or anyone that knows their way around a computer I’d appreciate someone throw their eyes on my video below and if any of you know what the problem is here please advise. About a week ago I had my laptop in the room and left for a few mins and when I returned my daughter was furiously banging away at the keyboard, and ever since that day it’s gone awry and this previously non existent issue has come to the fore. Basically about every 30 seconds the mouse cursor on the screen disappears as something on control panel on bottom bar (around where sound icon is) takes over the laptop it’s like something is directing all the power to there. I haven’t a clue what it is. I tried resetting sound settings but it had no effect.

I’m not exactly sure what you mean but I saw something like that happen once when a touch-screen was enabled on a non-touch-screen laptop. Or vice-versa.

Ah right interesting suggestion - however mine is touch screen enabled too so shouldn’t be the issue here.

Is it something to do with a Windows Accessibility setting? Your daughter could have accidentally hit a combination of keys which enabled something.

I think there’s a chance it might be a bit of moisture that’s causing the screen to do that. There’s no chance there might have been water or anything that could have spilt nearby?

There’s a kind of white “halo” for want of a better word flashing up around the sound icon in that video - does that actually show up on the screen or is it just a trick of the light in the video?

That halo effect appears each time yeah.

No idea, I must google that and see.

There was actually water spilled by the same culprit around the same time on the desk where I usually leave the laptop. Could a bit of moisture sitting inside the screen have that kind of effect?

Disable the touch screen if you can.


That’s my guess. Very easy thing to happen especially with a youngster. I’d go very gently near the bottom of the screen that’s getting the hover issue with a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol with a microfibre cloth but I can’t guarantee that’ll sort it.


Throw the laptop into a bathful of dry rice for a few days be grand

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TFK’s CTO has spoken

Best cheap tablet for watching IPTV and a few apps. Was looking at the Redmi SE Pad. Don’t want to pay more than €200.