Quit Smoking

Coming up 8 years. Put my back out and couldn’t move. Wife wouldn’t buy me any so went cold turkey.


Great news on the smokes, mate but a half marathon will take 10 years off your life. Don’t do it.


Two years since May 29. Smoked five fags on the Mount Sion golf outing (the last time I played golf). My legs were so sore I couldn’t walk to the shop to buy more and by the time the soreness was gone out of the legs I had lost the longing to smoke.


Golf would be my last remaining trigger point. I mightnt have a fag for 6 months and id smoke a fag a hole the minute i see a golf course

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The cost of 20 benson & hedges these days is a killer.

I’m down to 3/4 a day during the week…will be cutting them out completly shortly.

Awful habit and a serious drain on the pocket.

I’m ateing them at the moment.

Mugs game mate.

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Yeah murder but i wouldnt have smoked sober anywhere else in years so its just a little tradition of mine


I know. I’m back to work in a couple of weeks though so that should knock it down a good bit.

Would you smoke on a night out?

Once you dont go golfing in Portugal and buy 200 cheap in a carton you’ll be alright mate,

Better off fully knocking them on the head though being honest.

I was 4 years off them at one stage…then slowly but surely got caught again.

I used to smoke 20 a day. That’s over 7 grand a year I’m saving. Not sure where it’s going though.

Friend of mine has been off them for ten years. We meet up 3 or 4 times a year.
He reckons the only reason he won’t smoke one is that he’d be back on them worse then ever.

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Money will always find a home Mike.

I wouldn’t be able to afford them today. I’d have to revert back to the rollies.

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If I was with a group of smokers maybe have a few but not that often. Be too hungover after em

I admire people like yourself. Fair fucks

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If I could roll back the years. I remember when I started. Gaeltecht in ring. Literally puked my ring up but kept persisting. As the fella says " if I knew then what I know now"

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Try the vape?

If you were a 20 a day man they must have been very, very expensive cigarettes you were smoking to cost you over €7,000 a year.

There’s a nice article by Paddy Logue in today’s Irish Times about the mental battles that a former smoker experiences.