Quitting smoking

If you’re ready to quit, you’ll quit. If you’re not, don’t torture yourself and just enjoy them

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Ive an awful fear of flying so always take a Xanax or two, always smoke before bed and if i’m struggling to sleep il get up for another one.

I’m not a heavy smoker by any means if i’m kept busy working i’m ok smoke maybe as little as 6-8 a day but being out of work and in lockdiwn say if i’m watching red zone on a Sunday night could smoke 20+

Aw Jaysus.
Would you buy that effing book. If you go cold Turkey you’re more than likely to start…you’ll get pissed, have a row with one of your ex wives etc and you’ll jump at the chance

You can get a pdf online of it for nothing

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I think it would be good to buy a physical copy. Don’t know why…

Getting out of bed for a smoke would suggest you’re fairly hard on them though. That’ll be tough to crack. But anyways, if you want to do it you’ll do it. I got to the stage where I simply was enjoying about 3 in 10, and thought fuck this.

But when I was enjoying them, I didn’t give a fuck.

Haven’t had a smoke since getting the covid . I’m using this as a stepping stone now to stay off of them .

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Fantastic plan. When I proposed something similar for Ireland they called me a madman.


Good concept, but full prohibition rarely works. It will drive on the black market. If cannabis is freely available in NZ, getting a pack of darts shouldn’t be a massive struggle.

I was thinking about that as well but I think you’d just let them smoke hash from a bong. The only reason people smoke tobacco is because they get addicted as kids. If Ireland did this the whole rest of the EU and the UK would follow within 20 years.

The other problem would be addicted foreigners coming in on holiday and having mental breakdowns. So maybe you’d have a special repository in Dublin Airport Duty Free where people with foreign passports could buy a few cartons for their holidays. There’ll be a bit of a black market but not a huge one because kids just won’t be addicted.

You’ve just come back at the right time Billy. There’s a move on here to shoot anybody who smokes. I guess you can either shoot the smokers or the anti-smokers. Choice is yours.

Vermin bastard.

Billy will make you famous.

Need to ban ecigs and vaping too.

Would you believe vaping is linked to a much increased chance of blood clots.

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Yes I would. Like a new Pope being announced everytime one of those cunts puffs out.

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After a few rocky attempts since the new year ive gone a full month off the smokes now, feel much better already and the pocket is the healthiest of all!


Congrats bro. It’s really a piece of cake and we all coulda done it anytime we wanted