Racism Continued

We might have an odd one but in general not an issue.

Can you explain why the Nogra boys are running this twitter account & Labane is changing his username?

Why are they trying to bury poor @sidney

Keep your nordie nose out of it

Why do you bring everything back to one poster? That was a poor post and I suggested as much to @glasagusban. He agreed to read on the topic and alter his behaviour regarding that phrase in future.

If I said it to his non Asian wife’s face, ok let’s pretend she was to help you, it would be. Rowing on an anonymous internet board, not so much.

I can’t wait to see you take everyone else who uses such a term to task. You won’t of course,you are just jumping on, standard Dublin tactic. Brave only with numbers.

Will you stop tagging that name. It’s banned for over a thousand years and you won’t be getting a response.

Nobody from Nogra is involved in the twitter account. If you need clarity on that send Rocko a PM.

How would Rocko know who’s running the twitter account?

My bad, rest of my queries?

This is the sort of sophisticated intellect we’re dealing with. You can’t be racist unless you say it to someone’s face.

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Why don’t you ask him, if you are so curious.

Oh aye. Some forms of prejudice are acceptable I see. You lads all have chips on your shoulders from all the times when some nordie lad sauntered in and wiped your eyes.

You seem sure already, mate

I don’t, I was using it as an example. Looking forward to a kinder gentler glas who doesn’t call every poster who disagrees with him a racist and a scumbag.

But @glasagusban was

What’s your slur of choice? You generally go after intelligence, don’t you?

I know exactly who is behind the Twitter account, not going to post it on here though as I’m not in favor of doxxing.

Did the FBI let something slip?

In other news, I am booked in for a sigmoidoscopy for the 27th. There bate that

Failure to use critical thinking would be my favorite target.

Take it to PM’s ye gimps