Racism Continued

I think he’s possibly been dabbling in illegal substances

@ironmoth, now that I’ve given an example of a time when I addressed my own racism and came out a better man, would you care to share a similar experience with the forum, where you realised you carried a prejudice against blacks and worked hard and improved yourself?

Maybe if we all share these experiences something good could come out of this very bad day on this thread.

(BTW, it turns out that psychologists have studied what I was experiencing when I watched boxing. White people naturally identify with the pain of black people less but my experience is that you can overcome this and correct yourself, a lot of the way anyway.)

Edit: we could all be woke, let’s try lads.

You don’t think people who are falsely accused of racism are entitled to defend themselves, or point out where their accusers are wrong? What an oddball position.

Here’s a clue why the racist narrative that @glasagusban and more recently @Rocko spin is a critical thinking failure. They simply deny or don’t comprehend the difference between Black Lives Matter and black lives matter. Black Lives Matter is a radical far left Marxist organization (the founders proudly refer to themselves as trained Marxists) committed to the overthrow of capitalism and destruction of the nuclear family structure. The great majority of people in America, and I suspect Ireland, do not agree with these goals. The great majority of people would also be unaware of these goals, and wouldn’t know the leaders nor those involved in local chapters.

I happen to know a fair number involved in our local chapter, as many of them went to school with our kids. In general I hate to generalize about people, but here I will. Most of them are white from quite comfortable backgrounds, and are absolute wasters, were wasters at school and are wasters as young adults. Privileged little shitheads who demand the world give them equality while they pissed on every opportunity that came their way. Now they are experts in how society should run, having never contributed in any positive manner to society.

The goal of eliminating racism in all forms towards all ethnic minorities is a noble one and something everyone should support. You can do it without supporting an extremist organization with a totalitarian mindset, we’ve been down that road before and know where it leads.


@Tank doesn’t take himself half as seriously as he let’s on, or as some of you take him.

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A bit rich coming from the forums Trump supporter in chief

Hi Sid.

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I think from today on, not some point in the past or with reference to past arguments or positions, glasagusban or whoever else should highlight the posts where they feel labane or the other white supermacists are being racist. Let others judge each one on, as john Giles would say, their merits.

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Care to explain why you labelled me as a white supremacist?

Hi Donald. You defend Trump ad nauseum on here, you are one to be lecturing on supporting extremists alright

You’re a white supermacist. It’s cos you’re from Galway and they’re sponsored by supermacs. And I presume you’re white

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I defend the truth, something you wouldn’t have any familiarity with.

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Donald Trump is not the truth, he’s a racist and you love him

They were founded because of the worst kinds of racial injustices. Murder and acquittal. Repeated.

They grow stronger because this still occurs in the U.S.A.

You have repeatedly denounced BLM on here as well as repeatedly trying to prove that police do not discriminate based on colour in the U.S.A.

Not everything they do is correct or agreeable. But they exist because of a deeper problem. A problem like you. People who try to deny there is a deeper problem. You give them strength


That’s a bit preachy @EstebanSexface

I responded in tone to his post, that you liked

So we’re monitoring who likes what now? BLM exists because of people like him, a deeper problem etc? Calm down.

Why not call him out on his bullshit bits?

Yes, and I will continue to denounce the organization BLM, as I believe they are a toxic organization and the evidence of rioting, looting, assault and murder supports that view. Are the black people who agree with me part of the problem as well? Are they also racists?

I have never denied that the police and the justice system discriminates against blacks, once again you clearly don’t bother to consider what I’ve said, just jump to “racist”. I look at the evidence and black people are treated unfairly by police, but not for the obvious racist motivation, as cops of color (hispanic and black) are more likely to have that bias than white cops. If you bothered to look at crime statistics, including who commits the majority of violent crime, confronts police with guns, or actually kills police, you would know where that bias comes from.

But you don’t care about cops getting murdered, or blacks who get murdered by blacks, or children being murdered by BLM activists. None of that matters compared to your status as a culture warrior.

Take your phone back from Sid and speak for yourself for a change. Of course that would expose your level of illiteracy.

Except you didn’t respond to anything I said. You just made some stuff up and made a statement.