Racism Continued

But you don’t believe the police forces are toxic administrations?

His post is spot on. There’s great traction in labelling lads racist just for the sake of it. I’ve been called a racist myself, without any evidence or justification. Big deal I suppose- the lads are lacking in brains, breeding and various other positive attributes. They’re the thick, thin edge of the wedge though.
Just because there’s racism in America doesn’t mean you have to put any critical faculty to the one side.

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One sided critical faculty is bad. He goes out of his way to criticise BLM and also goes out of his way to defend the police.

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This is new, why didn’t you say this before?

I would fully support that view as well, but it is one that could lose you your job in America right now. The toxic cancel culture is staggering.

He provided some objective statistics, the same statistics that I’ve heard other reasonable middle ground commentators referring to. I didn’t see those statistics interpreted or commented on. I just saw posters screaming racist.

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Some are, there are twenty thousand state and local police forces in the US and 700,000 members. If they are toxic, it’s a reflection of their local city administration as the great majority of them report to their respective mayors. You do realize that almost all of the worst areas with police violence are run by “progressive” Democrats right? Atlanta is good example, the mayor was on the other night after the killing of that little girl, supporting her police force. Things are not as simple as they seem from 6,000 miles away.


Incorrect, I support blm and am quite critical of the police depending on the circumstances. The killings of George Floyd and Rashard Brooks were completely unjustified.

See what I did there, it’s called critical thinking.

I thought an avowed far left Marxist would already know it?

There is a whole new level of crackpot on offer in this thread… Tip of the cap to all involved… :clap:


Moderating online forums is about to get even more unwieldy.

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We culchies are the blacks of Ireland. Long persecuted by townie scum. I demand reparations.


Banning words such as “greybeard” and “jailbait” will definitely end racism.

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What a fascinating 24 hours we have just had. A lot of the Irish chapter BLM executive triggered by the mere mention of the murder of an 8 year old child. I missed about 8 hours of it due to a sound night’s sleep, but scanned through it quickly there.

Did I imagine things or did @Rocko really write a color coded boards style message, admonishing posters for digging up quotes from years ago, and then proceeded to dig up quotes from years ago to attack a poster? Complaining of the use of a racial slur used five years ago, when every racial and homophobic slur in multiple languages has been used liberally for the lifetime of the site.

This place has jumped the shark, pretend systemic racism has killed it stone dead.

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“Muldoon” is another one that has very racist undertones that I find extremely hurtful when I see it used on here. I hope the powers that be see fit to ban it - and indeed all words - from this forum.

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What areas are we still allowed to slag each other on? Pretend 5k times?


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If you ever pulled the finger out and actually ran a 5km I’d be the first in.