Racism Continued

Don’t go. I need you now more than ever

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If you leave me now you’ll take away the biggest part of me …

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I see all ye cunts are looking to get in on the act now

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tenor (20)

You started a joke…

18 posts were split to a new topic: The Alt Right and their “free speech” campaign

Well no that’s fairly clear cut. Not like you to be looking for a row

He was defending Tommy Robinson

How do you get four litres in a five litre jug with only another three litre jug to help?


His only black friend was a cop so that doesn’t count. And did he not run over a black businessman in LA before… mind you he did save him from some unsavoury characters soon after

Zeus! As in Father of Apollo? Mount Olympus? Don’t-fuck-with-me-or-I’ll-shove-a-lightning-bolt-up-your-ass Zeus! You got a problem with that?

Great film for two thirds of it but then muck.

But what a ride. The opening half never lets up.

Fill up the 3 litre jug and empty it into the 5 litre jug. Fill up the 3 litre jug again and fill up the 5 litre one with 2 litres. You are left with one litre in the 3 litre jug. Empty out the 5 litre one and put in the 1 litre from the 3 litre jug. Fill up 3 litre jug again and empty into the 5 litre one leaving you with 4 litres.


It’s superb. Even better than the first one which says it all.

From the opening bars of ‘Summer in the City’ it’s absolutely balls out. Great characters too, from the cops and his captain, to the know it all driving the truck through the tunnels.

There’s no cops man!! You could steal City Hall!!

Name the 21st president without googling