Racism Continued

Also known as the ICA.

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Sure I’m only on the forum a little over a year.

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That’s a fair point. I certainly am never answering the same question twice again and if all someone is able to reply with is name-calling then that kinda shows my argument was unbeatable and I’ll take it as such. And as can be seen in the above posts. Most aren’t worth engaging with, certainly no one incapable of original thought. That was a genuine reply btw not an attempt to have the last word.

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Ah. i’m not saying anyone person is at it … but there’s been nearly 1000 posts in 3 days

And a great addition you’ve been.

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But when someone refuses to answer a question or their hypocrisy,what would you do pal. Just leave it?

Most certainly - fuck em. Fuck em all… shur you’d be driven demented on here hounding lads … just give them a reminder every now and again that they’re a cunt.


It’s very strange altogether

Ask a 10 year old who’s Taoiseach and they’ll be stumped. Ask the who’s the President and they’ll say Donald Trump. What America does affects us all unfortunately

Not to the degree where it consumes hours of your life tho— the time Sid spent arguing about America would probably equate to a full year of his life to date. - and that’s just one topic.


The time spent on here by some is frightening.
cc @chedder

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Not with me you clown.

Add up the time people spend consuming American culture… movies tv music podcasts youtube channels for rhe kidz etc and its easy enough understand. I’m sure the people of Mesopotamia obsessed over what was going on in Rome back in the Times of the Roman empire as well. Albeit they got their news at a much slower rate.

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Dial up?


No twas pigeon-fi back then

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Meanwhile in Limerick…


Limerick have had a small Willie for years now.


Greg would love this place

Not right now, thanks. I’d like to reserve the right to change my position and pivot to either a screaming hard leftie or a forum lickarse like @carryharry or @Big_Dan_Campbell


But it affects us because the news ram it down our throats. It doesn’t really affect us that much

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