Racism Continued

He didn’t seem to be bothered about being recorded. A bit simple I would suggest.


Maybe, but he seemed to know exactly what he was doing

The lad on the bike did a great job running interference there whenever the ignorant cunt looked like walking back to her

He’ll probably get elected in Oughterard


Minding her own business with her phone out filming?
That’s the way it’s gone with the youth of today I suppose.
Big purple head on the eejit. Full winter coat in the summer. I’d say he’s a bit touched.

She’s raging now that NOGRAs amazing rescue stole the headlines from her racism scoop

It looked to me that he had already racially abused her at least once befo’re she started recording. She handled herself well giving the Neanderthal plenty of rope


Every youngster has the phone glued to them these days, one swipe and you’re filming.


That lad isn’t the full schilling ffs.
As an aside I wish they’d rephrase these tweets.
This does not prove Ireland is racist, rather that there are racists in Ireland. There is a big difference.
language is important as we keep hearing.


The man is clearly soft in the head

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She could be accused of bullying a man with special needs.

Social media is a knife edge

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He’s a Bawnmore case if ever ive seen one ffs.

In fairness, he looks like he should be in the people who look slow thread…

That’s him? Is he a prop at the studio he works in…

A big thick Mayo head if I ever saw one

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Why can’t I play any videos?

You need to have a parent or guardian present


its disgusting. And again, half the twitter replies show how many racists are still in Ireland. I wouldnt agree Ireland is racist, however there seems to be a lot more racists than I would have thought, granted thats only going by online shit, which, should be taken into account. And also, as discussed here previously, a load of people on telling her she “clearly isnt Irish” and that being born here doesnt make her Irish.

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The problem with social media is that it gives people who shouldn’t have one, a platform to spew all sorts of shite.