Racism Continued

It is sickening how many racists there are. But I’d generally maintain Ireland is not a racist country. Then shit like this happens. How can you not conclude there is endemic racism in Ireland? This is shameful.

We’re all over this on the official US politics thread bro

Couple of interesting articles that appeared on my twitter feed

Good support there for proponents of defunding the police, like @Horsebox.

Unhoused is a new term to me. Is homeless being replaced?

If you dont fund the police, what do you do with the money and who do you expect to police the state ?


If you’re defunding the police - who the fuck are you funding to enforce law and order, the Army?

Apparently you pay a load of social workers, art therapists etc and voila! There’s no crime

Simon Phoenix would have a field day in this utopian society.


Defunding the police doesn’t mean defunding the police mate

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So no police and the therapists and social workers will just magic away crime? -

The police should enforce law and order. That’s obvious enough isn’t it?

Defund only has one meaning mate?

But you want them to do it for free?

I thought the same but apparently not

What has it been made to mean?

You’ll have to ask @glasagusban

Waste of time - he wont give an answer.