Racism Continued

so you agree with the initial point about anonymizing job applicants’ names during the recruitment process

A lot of employers and/or bosses are just looking for a ‘fit’. A person they can work with. And appearance is everything with that choice. A personal choice. Remove the name and you don’t really know what you are getting under the bonnet.

I couldn’t see it working myself.

I don’t believe that there any need for that. I don’t think anyone would turn down a good candidate based on their ethnic background, I never have anyway.

This comment is also horseshit by the way. We shouldn’t evaluate degrees now :smile:

“Other recommendations included ensuring that candidates are evaluated based on their skillsets, not on what degree they hold or what third level institution they attended”

You think candidates should be screened or profiled based on name?

sadly not everyone is as progressive as you mate

It’s actually quite legal to do so in certain circumstances.

I didn’t say it wasn’t.

No, I’m just saying that removing the name isn’t workable.
Just imagine all the mix-ups…

Why not? You could number the applications, seems pretty easy to me anyway.

You could have a situation where the boss says I want to interview No.346
I assume interviews are still allowed?
Would you be allowed know the sex of the applicant?

Could turn out to be somebody you hate. An ex-girlfriend. A Tipperary hurler. God knows?


I was remote chatting to one of my colleagues and she reckons she isn’t being promoted because of where she is from and many of her colleagues have left for the same reason. I was surprised especially when she’s not from Tipp. Told her to apply for promotion in other offices.

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Yes the odds are stacked against us muldoon remote workers

Out of sight, out of mind. I try and find the positives out of it.


Google’s new AI yoke is racist against White People

Did you read about the incident?

Just saw a report on it on Sportscenter

Heard the reports, and wondered what it entailed. As far as I can see it was a few trucks of rednecks shouting racial abuse at the team as they walked down a town. I was wondering was it organised at first and was it at the game.

This is a decent report on it