Racism Continued

From what I’ve read, Coeur D’Alene is a “sundown” town and popular with white nationalist types, as is the state of Idaho as a whole. A small bit of victim blaming on Twitter going on, saying the Utah team should have better researched their accommodation options

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Yeah, there’s a lot of pearl clutching from the town elders et al, but it does seem that way. I was more curious as to how organised it was. Re the accommodation it seems Spokane was all booked up because the Mens NCAA.

We really are in a bad place when this is normal and these fuckwits think it’s ok to say these kind of things openly.

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Next they’ll be taking over the police, local politics and running the unions on the docks


“They refuse to integrate!”


“They’re integrating, we have to stop them!”


The comments online abusing Rhasidat Adeleke are horribly shameful. You listen to her on radio and her thick Dublin accent and her appreciation for what she has achieved with her team mates, yet we have an ever growing number of horrible racist cunts who will never consider her Irish because she is black. And thats all it is. If she was born to white english, scottish, american etc parents, no one would mention a single thing about her not being Irish, but her being black is open season for horrible scumbags to say she doesnt represent us and some even putting up photos of the semi final line up with her not in it as representing thw irish team.

In what is one of the biggest moments in her life, she has irish people disowning her and telling her she is Nigerian and not “one of us”. Rotten scumbags.


There’s cunts everywhere.

I repeat


Elon musk is complete cunt and has to shoulder a portion of the blame for all this


Well duh, he bought Twitter specifically so fascism would spread unchecked on it and thus influence public discourse massively in favour of fascists everywhere.

He’s like a far worse version of Rupert Murdoch.


This has become normalised and basically ok for quite a lot of people. We badly need that hate speech legislation.

Would it make a difference? What are they allowed say now that they wouldn’t be under the new legislation?

What cesspit part of the Internet would you be reading shit like that?

Hate speech.

It’s easily the most opaque issue ive ever encountered :smiley: not one person on either side can provide anything bar ‘we need it’ ‘we already have it’

Most time rte or anyone post something about her. Her coach referenced it in an interview saying it’s the only time he ever sees her properly upset. The cunts will drive a few good soccer players away from us yet I guarantee it. They are such hateful hateful bastards.

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Any thing from rte, the times, indo in the comments on any of the social media sites. Twitter by far the worst of places tho. I see a few are blaming FFG, main stream media and wokism for all the racist posts, instead of the actual racists.


Jaysus I’m surprised that shit is on mainstream sites like that. Not surprised it’s on Twitter, don’t understand why anyone uses that site tbh.

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You can be sure the same cunts think Paul McGrath is a god.

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