
Thereā€™s a beacon going off somewhere at present, give him time, heā€™ll come.

Donā€™t get me wrongā€¦ Itā€™s a great album but by 2000 Iā€™d moved on at that stage to rap music and the likes and it didnā€™t have much impact on me.

Its just that @KinvarasPassion is probably closer to fitness freak John c McGinley than fat coke fiend john belushi

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Going for a 20 minute driveā€¦

Letā€™s have another go.

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I hear you - I was into heavy metal, and Tool was as light as it got for me. But Radiohead are special.

Iā€™ll go further. Iā€™ll go through their albums.

Pablo Honey: Meh
The Bends: Some excellent songs but overrated
OK Computer: Excellent but not the best album of all time as it has been rated.
Kid A: Interesting
Amnesiac: Excellent first half but poor second half
Hail To the Thief: One of their best songs in There There but otherwise only middlinā€™
In Rainbows: Their best album. Brilliant.
Kings of Limbs: Rather uninspiring

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I knew you wouldnt let me down pal.

And this new song?

Whatever you think yourself mate.

I donā€™t want to sound like a know-it-all


Pablo Honey: Couple of good songs but generally shit
Bends: Very good for its time but has not aged well. Godrichā€™s production missing
Ok Computerl Superb. Music/artwork/videos all eerie brilliance. Many have tried to emulate it. None have succeeded.
Kid A: What an album. Probably my favourite. Great depth to it.
Amnesiac: Brilliance
Hail To The Thief: Good songs but not up to usual standards. Finished too quickly and paid for that.
In Rainbows: Excellence but balance on album not quite right. Disc 2 is exceptional.
KOL: Some very good songs but not adventurous enough.

Song: Burn The Witch. A belter. Innovative, superb music and exceptional lyrics. Excited for new album. Great Orwellian video/artwork too. Jonnyā€™s influence clearly heavy.

Hoping Identikit features on new album


The true test of any band is the quality of their live performance. Radiohead are one of the few who can transcend their studio albums in that regard. My personal album ratings would be: Kid A, In Rainbows, OK Computer, Amnesiac, Bends, HTTT, KOL and Pablo Honey. OK Computer is so overrated itā€™s a challenge to get motivated to listen to it, but incredibly rewarding after not hearing it for a while. In a weird way they now remind me of the Doors, a band you could forget about for years and be blown away all over again when you rediscover them.

For anyone wanting to revisit the band, the 0110 playlist of OK Computer and In Rainbows is worth a listen. Start with Airbag and alternate tracks, except Fitter Happier follows Karma Police followed by Faust Arp.

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ā€œI might be wrongā€ was a good live album - short, but good. A bit like Tyrion Lannister.

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:eek: :ronnyroar:

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Was at that too KP, brilliant they were. As I remember it they played for a long time, we were soaking when we got back to the brothers gaff. Massive Attack had some of their gear impounded by customs which is why the sound was shit for them (or so someone I know involved in the production told me later), which was hugely disappointing as you couldnā€™t hear a fucking thing with them. I remember meeting one of my college classmates outside, he was wearing a sports jacket and a tweed hat, as if on his way to Punchestown, with his girlfriend (now wife), they were going up to take their seats under cover and sniggering at us heading to the field. Off I went thinking my classmate wasnā€™t quite seeing the irony of his fervent pursuit of middle class respectability with attending a Radiohead gig on the OK Computer tour.
The new song, after about five listens is underwhelming musically, lyrically brilliant. Iā€™m sure in a month or two Iā€™ll think itā€™s one of the greatest pieces of music ever recorded, as so often is the case with this band.


Just about to buy the new album. Anyone have a listen yet? Itā€™s got True Love Waits as the final track which is a good omen that it will be more classic RH than KOL.

Itā€™s quite good, needs many repeat listens to appreciate further. The version of True Love Waits is stunning.

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What format did you go with?

24 bit WAV. The high resolution files will play on itunes but not on Amazonā€™s music player.

First impressions: very laid back but better than KOL
Few listens: very good, the opening track and a few others are standouts and True Love Waits is worth waiting for
5th listen: Their best

Radiohead played MSG last night, playing ā€œLet Downā€ live for the first time in 10 years.

He actually looked like he was enjoying it too.