
Just about to buy the new album. Anyone have a listen yet? It’s got True Love Waits as the final track which is a good omen that it will be more classic RH than KOL.

It’s quite good, needs many repeat listens to appreciate further. The version of True Love Waits is stunning.

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What format did you go with?

24 bit WAV. The high resolution files will play on itunes but not on Amazon’s music player.

First impressions: very laid back but better than KOL
Few listens: very good, the opening track and a few others are standouts and True Love Waits is worth waiting for
5th listen: Their best

Radiohead played MSG last night, playing “Let Down” live for the first time in 10 years.

He actually looked like he was enjoying it too.


I fucking love ‘Let Down’. I remember Ed O’Brien saying before that they were trying to channel a bit of Phil Spector on that one.

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FWIW, they played Creep live recently too. Nice intro to it

Not to mention Thom Yorke hitching up at a garden party and strumming a few turnes

Who are they and what have they done with Radiohead?

Saw them do Creep twice live alright. That garden party looks like more fun.

Saw them in Irvine Plaza, NYC back in 1997. They were touring the OK Computer album. Unrale night.

So what attracted you to the millionaire Thom Yorke?

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Money doesn’t attract the same standard of women as it used to it seems

Should be give up on trying to win a few quid tomorrow so?

@RaymondCrotty won’t be happy with my disrespect towards Thom.

Thom is a Star Wars fan :clap:

That really livened things up…

She do be eyetalan. At least he’ll get a few trips out of her.
Saw them in 97, early 00s, 2010, and 2017. 2017 in the 3 Arena the worst out of them, Malahide in 2010 the best I think. Well, 97 was a bit good too, as they’d just released OK Computer, so I was just familiar with the new songs. I saw them out foreign that time. They were followed by the Smashing Pumpkins and then the Chemical Brothers.
They are disappearing up their own holes with all this electro dance shite, and I haven’t even bothered with Thom’s latest release.
They have a chance to pull it out of the fire again. In Rainbows was a brilliant album. The last one wasn’t bad either in fairness.
I saw some rerun on tv lately of Austin City Limits and got bored with the electro bleeps and bloops and Thom dancing. It was like R2D2 backed by a drummer…

Pablo Honey is pretty shite and I really hate that dirge of a song Creep. Thank god they didn’t play it either time I saw them live. I thought they were an excellent if not very interesting rock/indie type band for the next two albums. It was only with Kid A I got into them really. That album was kinda up there with Bob Dylan plugging in his guitar on terms of pissing off some of their fans. Brilliant stuff.

I lost them a bit after In Rainbows.

  • The Bends is good but overrated
  • OK Computer is a masterpiece
  • I never fully got into Kid A but it has some brilliant songs
  • Amnesiac is pretty poor
  • Hail to the Thief is underrated
  • In Rainbows is excellent

Eh, yeah, ok mate.