Rats - A thread about Cats

Mice id leave off, is there a cat in the area?

If getting a cat get queen, neutered Tom cats are the laziest fuckers on the planet


There is a good few cats around, they often come in around prowling.

They might do the job for me I was thinking. Neighbours on both sides have cats.

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If they move in in a big way they will stink the place out

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Do you know any ferret-fanciers?


More than enough so unless they ate useless cunts

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Iā€™m confident theyā€™ll do the job. If they donā€™t, I can always burn the shed to the ground.

Needs to go anyway. :grinning:

Iā€™d be happy to call it starlings from this remove. The dirty cunts are back from the holidays and are up to 90 clearing out nests and sorting new ones.

Had the exact same scenario a few years ago, the cunts actually got in under the insulation in the attic and flapped about for a few days, lost, stuckā€¦ the maggots and the smell when I eventually found the corpseā€¦

Root them out and fill up the hole with expanding foam. Poke around any other possible entries up there and do likewise.


I wouldnt be too worried about mice thisntime of year. Rats i wouldnt even ask the thread just burn


More importantly does the guttering there just end with a gap and no cap on the top of it?

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Spot on @FatChops & @Corksfinedtboy it was a big Starling, managed to get him out this morning and will block in the hole, cheers


Sort out that gutter while your at it or best case scenario youā€™ll have damp in the house

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Thereā€™s a job to be done alright around that whole section, might take off a few tiles and fix it up better, the gutter does have a cap at the end at least

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Iā€™m at war with those cā‚¬&ts. Theyā€™re winning.

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These cunts are very resourceful, they can ā€˜makeā€™ a hole quite easily if thereā€™s a space to be had behind it. Thatā€™s why the expanding foam is good hereā€¦ fills the space. Normally I hate the stuff.

Was he in under the felt? That might need tidying up it he made a hole in it.

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I got the young lad a catapult and heā€™s full time clearing the cunts as they come in to size up the place. Building resilience all round.



Heā€™ll be back, if heā€™s not back already.

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100 pc
Theyā€™ll multiply vv quickly

Knock your house mate. Thatā€™ll show the cunts


Only solution